Saturday'Skip' kejer to do some last minute shopping @ jln Tar. Masuk Semua House ujan lebat giler. Stuck dalam 3 hours. Susu called, ajak gi SH. haha, i'm oredi in SH. so naik 5th floor, jumpa dia ngan BB @ Sayang You. Yoshhh shopping tok barang hantaran :-) I didn't know SH ader kedai lagik kat atas², besar lak tuh, cam SSF. Around 4 baru sampai umah. Sesiap gi buka posa lak. Tunggu walad, datang ngan jaa and mie.

Venue: Be Be's Cafe, Capitol Hotel
Gather ngan UTM bunch. About 35 ppl. The food was okay. Maybe to worn-out to enjoy the food. Plus the pix in my cam is blurry, much to my dissapointment. Asal start new main dishes tukaq tempat hehe. Tried nasi+lauks, sate, ayam percik, pizzas, abc, ice-cream. Tapik time tuh memang dah rasa full giler (cemana zet leh sumbat lagik megi goreng Jasima?) haha! mik² gambar, and oso got my tart nenas...yeah yeah! Balik crash zect lak, since yang len nak gi jalan Tar. Watched OTH, kapuff...flat!
SundayCleanin out my closet :P and then what's spose to get rid of old shoes, became get rid of the whole almari. jadik banyak lak kejer. and i eksidently killed a lizard in the process. Grosss! Around noon, Emi dropped by mik tart yulie. Again tak dan lagik nak tido dah 4 p.m, Misz called nak datang. Burak² sambil siap, we then headed to KDE.

Venue: Kelab Darul Ehsan, Ampang
Buka posa ngan bebudak TIKL, commerce and electric. ader lar dalam 33 orang. Adoilaa sumer muka and sizes len giler hehe, ader yang 7 years tak jumpa. izhan and zul always a gud combination to sit around with. Dok ngan classmates ar, nak mingle sumer aku tak hapal nama, ader yang tatau pon their existence...ptth ;)! this time fud is indoor and outdoor with stalls. had nasi+lauks, kebab, salad, rojak, bread pudding, yong tau fu, ice-cream. time nak bayar, quite a while jugak nak tunggu kerol kira. wakakaka, baper banyak assistant+auditors dia pakai soh kira duit ngan orang again and again. yang len tgk pon penin sama.
A splendid weekend i must say! but now baru tingat, i haven't pay a visit to doc to get 'MC'. Seyy lorr!