That morning we had breakfast around 7am. Since hotel tak ramai orang, there was no buffet /sad. So we can only order nasi goreng/mihun goreng served with telur mata kerbau. Lepas tuh balik bilik pack barang and trus checkout. You'll notice that this entry akan ada banyak pekataan "dolu" because that shows lama giler tak balik kampung! Biler balik terkejut sana tekejut sini tgk changes. Last month balik Penang pon kejap jer pegi kampung Cheep, attend kenduri, masuk gurney mall, makan kat gurney drive, masuk queensbay mall and lalu batu feringhi. Ok menyimpang plak. Back to present, Nani picked us up and off we went to the land office for our hearing session at 10am. Sangat nervous time nie because we don't really know what to do during the hearing and what to expect. Siap ada tampal notis kat luar nama kitowang huhu!

Masuk mini court, kitowang, my sis and makcik misah kene baca sumpah. Then the pegawai (ptd kot) started asking questions and mintak original documents. Kudos to my sis because sumer documents dia bawak and susun elok dalam clear folder senang nak carik. Geran tanah lah, cukai tanah, cukai pintu, sijil mati, surat itu surat ini. Meanwhile, banyak gak scene senyap sambil tunggu the pegawai layan menulis...macam tulis karangan jer aku nengok. But our case agak clear cut, so alhamdulillah tada pape scene tak puas ati macam dalam drama yang slalu kiter tgk biler pasal pembahagian harta pusaka hehe. Dalam setengah jam lebey our case dah settled yay! Once done, we visited Tok Chik's house (my dad's aunt) yang dah kene abandoned because nobody lives there anymore.

Dalam banyak2 umah atok, umah Tok Chik lah paling cozy surrounded by gardens and macam2 jenis pokok buah. Tapik lepas Tok Chik passed away tada dah sumer tuh /sad. Check out the wall texture yang macam anyam2 tuh. Mmg classic oh!
Lepas visit Mak Wah (My dad's cousin's wife), we planned to visit Mak Teh (My dad's half sister). Lalu jalan Balik Pulau yang pusing2 macam Genting tuh. Kalo dolu bleh tgk banyak pokok durian and ada net kaver blah2 atas jalan sbb takot durian jatuh kene keta, but now we were greeted with constructions /sad. Dorang nak buat flyover yang merentas pokok durian, so lepas nie should be lagik cepat sampai lah and less dangerous for drivers and motorcyclists.
Sampai jer bawah, Nani took us for lunch at Cargas Cafe. She said kedai nih famous for nasik kandar in the area. Sampai2 tgk queue bleh tahan gak panjang and kari dia sedap. Tak macam kari mamak sangat yang pekat and masam2, this one more like kari melayu.
My sis's happy face tak sabar nak makan.
Row of old shops. Dolu kecik2 balik kampung yang staun skali jer tuh, biler lalu jalan nie tau lah maknanya nak sampai umah dah tuh :D
The other side of shop lot. I remembered there was a salon here where mom used to go. The Cargas Cafe is at the left end of this row.
Muahaha vintage look takk? Signboard kedai tuh pon classic kan? Tempat2 camni is hard to find nowadays. Better amik gambar slagik boleh. Dolu tak de nye lah nak bazir filem amik gambar bangunan semata yedak.

Lepas dah burped2 ayam goreng and tangan bau kari, we headed to umah Mak Teh and borak2. Then kitowang singgah balik umah Nani to kill time because bus transnasional ke KL gerak kol 3.30. Time tuh baru pukul 1pm. The night before datang tak nampak aper dah siang baru lah terang nak amik gambar. Gambar far left is the driveway nak masuk umah from main road. Gambar tengah is umah macik Misah and sblah was umah my Tok. Hurmmphh dah kene roboh yang blah atas sbb bocor teruk and skang dah rupa dah macam garage /sad. Rindu ohh umah lama tuh and it's sad that we don't have any picture of the whole house. Hope one day, biler ada duit boleh lah buat sebijik umah kat stu and would be awesome if we can build the house exactly macam umah Tok yang dolu based on our memories. Possible ker? Depan umah macik Misah and Tok plak ada skolah baru. Dolu nampak bendang and pokok ngahahaha. It's sad to see banyak kawasan2 kampung dah developed jadik kawasan perumahan. Sungai2 kecik sumer dah mati. Ohhh tambah sedey (T__T)
I think less than 1 hour kat umah Nani tuh we decided to balik KL sbb aku dah start2 nantok hehe. I'm sure Nani pon dah penat kene drive us around, sian gak dia. So sampai jer Nibong Tebal trus beli ticket bus Eagle aper tah sbb tuh jer bus yang dah nak gerak. Not bad gak our trip nie, because by 2pm me and my sis dah settled kan hal tanah, sempat visit relatives and sempat makan nasik kandar. Although it's a short one, but dapat jugak reminisced our childhood memories :)