
Showing posts with the label kids

Mekdi Burger Workshop

Mekdi advertised their school holiday program for kids and the nearest outlet to us was listed. So terus lah register dedua nama but time nak bayar tuh i cancelled Qeeb’s name because he’s too old for this. Lol! Luper lak age difference. Dulu boleh lah semua benda x2. 

Kid’s Burger Workshop @ McDonald  Kid’s Burger Workshop @ McDonald

Kid’s Burger Workshop @ McDonald  Kid’s Burger Workshop @ McDonald

View of the kids with their burger and excited parents tunggu tepi like me yang snapping photos non-stop :P 

Kid’s Burger Workshop @ McDonald

This cheeky boy in 2 split seconds frames

Kid’s Burger Workshop @ McDonald  Kid’s Burger Workshop @ McDonald 

After dah siap burger, the kids get to eat their burger and the cutest ice cream cone

Kid’s Burger Workshop @ McDonald  Kid’s Burger Workshop @ McDonald

Kid’s Burger Workshop @ McDonald  Kid’s Burger Workshop @ McDonald

Then they continue with musical chair and coloring session. But tak tunggu sampai abes lah, kalo dak mau makan masa lagik sejam. So the kids can bawak balik and continue kat rumah jer.

Kid’s Burger Workshop @ McDonald  Kid’s Burger Workshop @ McDonald

Lastly it’s the prize giveaway. Basically the package that we paid is inclusive of one happy meal, coloring sheet, apron, certificate and prize for those yang menang musical chair.
Kid’s Burger Workshop @ McDonald  Kid’s Burger Workshop @ McDonald

Also the day the boys got their first bike. We got a good deal at PKNS so beli jelah terus. Just one bike and sharing because tatau dorang nih hangat2 taik ayam jer kang. So sementara tunggu tuan kedai pasang training wheel, we went for lunch at Santan. Then lipat2 kosi keta to fit the bike and berimpit lah dorang dua nie sampai rumah. 

Bike Shop @ PKNS. Bike Shop @ PKNS
Lunch @ Santan, PKNS Selipar Durian

Hot Wheels Hunt in Uptown

Qeeb wanted to start his Hot Wheels collection again. His friend suggested Uptown and apparently this place can do customization. I think the first and last i went was in 2009. When we arrived there keta dah banyak parked at roadside. Siap ada performance stage here. 

Hotwheels hunt at Uptown Sek13 Hotwheels hunt at Uptown Sek13

We walked for quite some time row by row because we were not sure where the shop is. Sambil tuh hopkos lah cuci mata tengok kot2 dapat tshirt and shorts murah. Majority of the shops jual benda yang sama though.

Hotwheels hunt at Uptown Sek13 Hotwheels hunt at Uptown Sek13 

The place were well lit so you can feast your eyes clearly with what they offer. Finally we found the Hot Wheels shop. 

Hotwheels hunt at Uptown Sek13 Hotwheels hunt at Uptown Sek13

Hotwheels hunt at Uptown Sek13 Hotwheels hunt at Uptown Sek13

So next time if nak pergi, just make sure terus go to the left from the main entrance.  

Hotwheels hunt at Uptown Sek13 Hotwheels hunt at Uptown Sek13 

Zafeer straightaway found one, a Bat Mobile. But Qeeb having a hard time to choose. He has his own specific preference which i don’t know what. Only Jeeb jer yang paham kot aper dia nak. He became frustrated sebab tak dapat so he wanted to do the custom one….on his own! 

Hotwheels hunt at Uptown Sek13 Hotwheels hunt at Uptown Sek13 

So i asked the owner aper yang a newbie should have. Baik gila that guy explain in detail what drill and size mata aper to get. Sooo balik nanti kita cari kat shopee je lah. In the end Qeeb bought a set of tayar to pasang kat his new car nanti. Adehhh even if beli the drill nanti, sapa pulak nak ajar dia how to handle it.

Hotwheels hunt at Uptown Sek13 Hotwheels hunt at Uptown Sek13

Hotwheels hunt at Uptown Sek13 Hotwheels hunt at Uptown Sek13

Qeeb’s Graduation Day - Class of 2022/23

Was a bit busy on Qeeb’s graduation day because nak jadik unofficial photographer. Plannyer nak setup meja kat canteen to siapkan the balloon while Liyana setup chocs bouquet. Glad i changed the plan a bit by siapkan the balloon awal2 pakai letric pump terus

Qeeb’s Graduation Day  Qeeb’s Graduation Day

Earlier in the morning dalam dewan only kids jer masuk. So i watched online streaming. Awww proud moment, besar dah my firstborn.

Qeeb’s Graduation Day Qeeb’s Graduation DayQeeb’s Graduation Day  Qeeb’s Graduation Day

The kids were sporting layan this acik sibok susun dorang soh posing with the balloon and all. Then some of the parents starting to arrive.

Qeeb’s Graduation Day

Qeeb’s Graduation Day Qeeb’s Graduation Day  Qeeb’s Graduation Day

[Left] Liyana busy making sure semua yang ordered bunga from her dapat [Right] Zafeer arrived at school and looked excited to be part of the celebration. 

Qeeb’s Graduation Day  Qeeb’s Graduation DayQeeb’s Graduation Day

Love this photos by the stairs. This aunty tried her best not to gila kosa to stage the kids kang ada yang nyampah lak because they might’ve prefer freestyle amik gambar with their own friends. Also i dowan to embarrass Qeeb :P

Qeeb’s Graduation Day Qeeb’s Graduation Day Qeeb’s Graduation Day 

 With his circle of good friends. I’m thankful and grateful for this bunch.  

Qeeb’s Graduation Day  Qeeb’s Graduation Day Qeeb’s Graduation Day  Qeeb’s Graduation Day Qeeb’s Graduation Day  Qeeb’s Graduation Day

Then we went to the dewan to take more group photos. Jenuh gak to gather the kids…but somehow we managed to gather there thanks to WA group. 

Qeeb’s Graduation DayQeeb’s Graduation Day Qeeb’s Graduation Day 

With class teacher, Pn Mazzura and RBT teacher, Cikgu Hisham

Qeeb’s Graduation Day  Qeeb’s Graduation Day Qeeb’s Graduation Day  Qeeb’s Graduation Day

Happy graduation day Qeeb! Hope you enjoyed the 6 years of primary school and cherish all the memories with your teachers & friends.

Qeeb’s Graduation Day