Langkawi rained the next day. After we had a nice breakfast, instead of having our outdoor activities at the beach we had to opt for indoor. First each team had to present their flags. The games were ok but i think MSR had a hard time to control the crowd and gave instructions clearly. Even game macam blindfold pon we got pissed off waiting....I thought it was just me at first but lepas tuh mmg ramai complained. I didn't even know ada loops tuh on the floor. Tgk gambar nie baru tau haha.
At least we got one fun game here, Protect the Eggs. I think everybody enjoyed pop the balloons game as well but not for me. I hate bunyik belon meletop! Stressss biler orang nak pijak belon...all i did was jerit and jerit!
Then balik bilik to get ready for island hopping activities. I decided not to bring anything i.e phone and money. So melenggang mak limah trus pegi makan and naik bus. We had to wait at the jetty for quite sometime and it was frigging hot! Time nie lar my sunhat berjasa hehe. Our boat was super laju weh...wpon dah pesan ada ibu mengandung. Sib baik si K cool and calm pegang perot dia. The sea pon quite choppy, so biler melambung2 tuh boleh rasa 2-3 seconds on air baru landed on our hard seats.
First stop was Tasik Dayang Bunting. Hins hinsss masih lagik mengah nak manjat tangga and i walked super careful because my crocs dah takde grip sangat. Tingat last time pegi bawak Qeeb, memang Jeeb jer laa yang dukung all the way naik and turun. Biler dah sampai kat tasik, sumer dok bersidai kat tepi plank tuh.
Gambar kiri nih dalam pool yang macam kids size or supposedly tempat letak ikan. Dalam dia sangat geli2...sebab berlumut and slippery! Tak sanggup nak duduk dalam tuh lama2 so i went into the lake. Tapik berenang katak kejap je lah because tak boleh nak floating relax2 sangat compared to mandi kat laut. Dahler tak pakai life jacket huhu (tak bawak duit ler katakan). Btw, i just read this signage about the legend of pregnant maiden lake. Sblom nih tak pernah bother nak baca and all this while orang dok cakap saper yang nak bunting pegi lah tasik dayang bunting. But biler baca nie cam totally different from what i imagined the history could be.

At Pulau Beras Basah, MSR nak try buat game Human Tower. However, most of us prefer to just chill and berendam. But still this peeps are sporting enough to build the tower :) Brapa kali attempt tah dorang buat. The girls lepas tuh ada gak yang nak try buat...ada sorang one hot mat saleh chic joined jadik base summore and pakai bikini lak tuh. Berdoyon the guys kerumun nak amik gambar >.>
As usual, part of the package mesti ada eagle feeding session.
Balik from island, we hang out kat hotel's swimming pool. Tried the kids pool and jacuzzi bubble bath! Best gilaaaa! Then balik bilik get ready for dinner that night. The theme was denim & bling.
We had BBQ, karaoke contest finalist, lucky draw, best dressed contest, long service award and birthday celebration. We finished around 10.30pm, and balik bilik to pack because nak kene check out early in the morning. I heard ada yang pegi halloween beach party that night. Omaii!