We went to Port Dickson for a short vacay over the weekend. Raikan cinta gittuh kikiki. It was our 6th years of anniversary, Alhamdulillah. Memula singgah pantai near area kg Rusa...sungguh laa tak ingat nama pantai.
Panas terik but banyak shades and of course gambar terang benderang cantek. Need no filter at all, the skies were blue and kacak! Kitowang lepak sat makan abc buang masa tunggu time nak check in kat hotel.
Because of the bridge over here, ramai yang datang amik gambar kat sini including wedding photographers. But it definitely need some serious repair sebab lubang besar2 and kayu pon cam rapuh. Bahaya for kids.
We stayed at Avillion Admiral Cove Hotel. Subhanallah, i was mesmerized by the view everytime i looked out the window.
The room looked ok but overall i'm not really happy with the room. The curtain and cushions were smelly as if dah lama x cuci. Ada rambut lekat2 summore. Pipe kat sink washroom x pasang betol, air kluar cukup2 kat edge of the sink. So everytime nak basuh tangan, we were 'forced' to wash the sink as well sebab belaga2 tangan tekene the edge. Cabinet bawah sink berabuk so biler tgh temenung kat toilet tuh geram jer mata tgk habuk tebal. Base of toilet bowl pon not very clean sbb ada karat2 and mmg nampak tak cuci properly. The bed pon x brapa best sbb ada rasa spring. Hurmph it was unfortunate that i have so many complaints about this hotel.

Petang tuh kitowang gi berendam kat swimming pool. Proper swimming attire rule tak di imposed it seems. I saw a lady joined her kids in the pool pakai jeans summore, lol! So that means if i'm wearing a tshirt no hal lettew. Qeeb had a good time here but me and Jeeb had the same issue when ada orang yang duduk situ achooom non-stop free style! Aiyooo the least you could do is cover your mouth and don't spread the germs lah weh. Unfortunately Jeeb did caught the bug start after maghrib. Haihhh sian giler. I hetchu inconsiderate people.
Malam tuh we had dinner at PD Waterfront. Ada a few tempat makan there like Papa Rich, Pak Hailam Kopitiam, McD, waffle, pizza. This area was buzzing with families teman anak main bubbles, fishing, glow in the dark thingy etc.
The only thing i enjoyed the most at Avillion Admiral Cove was the breakfast. It was good that i ate a lot.
Complaint banyak kannn hahaha but i'm still thankful and syukur that we had a short trip here and spent time together. I love that Jeeb still sent me a beautiful bouquet of roses every year. However this time the delivery guy sent it to a wrong floor and the florist office kept calling me. I was i having a meeting so i ignored and reject the calls few times. Until a number yang i thought within the same building appear only i picked up the call. Orang tuh cakap ada flower delivery salah antar floor and it was actually addressed to me, so dia tanya which floor i am. So i waited for the delivery guy depan pintu lift. Hehehe mak inchik sukeeee!