Jalan2 carik breakfast! It was a lovely morning walk with a beautiful weather. We lalu riverside and can't help to notice the clean surroundings and we enjoyed looking at the doors and windows. Each has their own stories. Wpon ada yang style buruk2, it triggers my curiousity biler ada ternampak a glimpse of people yang living inside.

Maps direct us to lalu narrow alley to get to our destination. Sib laaa this one bersih lol! Orang yang kat tepi tingkap sure terkejut bila nampak kitowang lalu because we can hear them kelentang kelentung cuci pinggan or something.

First stop was The Daily Fix but ada queue. Time tuh 9.50am and we were kinda second batch in the queue. Cafe baru bukak 20mins....estimate satu meja makan 40mins...i have to wait for almost another 40-60 minutes jugak. If the boys dah start cranky hangry, nanti i pulak yang stressed out. So we carik kedai lain je lah.

More photos of shops and signs, painted wall and the door/window. Photo dumping here for my own viewing pleasure.

So from the first cafe we went to Calanthe Cafe because they opened at 10am. So we were still early and managed to trus walk in. While waiting for our food, i checked out the cafe's interior and snap2.
We ordered kari laksa, toast with banana split, kopi pahang affogato style and buttermilk chicken for the kids. The kari laksa siyes sedap! Paling happy biler kids finish their food so takde masalah lapar for the next few hours.
More pics of the interior. Each section lain2 style decornyer...all quirky!
Petang tuh we planned nak gi A'Famosa jalan kaki again. But by the time we reached Studhuys dah start hujan again. Eventho the boys pakai cap, baju boleh tahan jugak basah if we continue wpon hujan cam on and off. So instead of continuing our journey we walked back to the hotel through Jonker street.
Gaya sangat abam polis lalu naik boat
If naik keta lalu this area memang kene bersabar jelah sbb jalan kecik and keta banyak. Cendol jam besar pon ramai orang.
Memori sungguh amik gambar kat fountain same spot back then when Naqeeb was 4 years old. Now with Zafeer ada own pe'el and interest, he wanted to take photo with purple cow hehe.
Lalu this famous Kiehls painted wall
Then we were back to our comfort area. Grabbed a coffee before sambung rehat kat bilik. We decided to watch Spiderman that night.
Our favourite is the salted caramel croissant. I bought some donuts too but the kids tak heran pulak nak makan. Terpaksa bawak balik the next day sbb takleh abes.
We watched Spiderman No Way Home at Mahkota Parade. During post credit scenes, ramai stayed for first scene jer. But Jeeb said got second one so gigih tunggu berdebar2 takot dorang off the lights semua lol because we were the last one. Zafeer bengang jer tapaham kene tunggu apa and tak sabar nak kluar.
Lepas tuh tatau nak makan aper because dah quite late but kinda hungry. So we hang out at the hotel makan pizza and pasta. Best jer lepak kat bawah patio tuh, if only they serve coffee too.
Can't get enough of the river scenes from daylight to night time.