December to Remember

There is nothing I admire more in a person than their willingness to grow and change their mindset. We’re living in the era of Aspirational Routines where we inspire and be inspired of others. 

I watched some of my friends and influencers who packed more in the hours between 5-8am than I’ve done during a 7 day retreat. They went for a jog/walk, listen to motivational talk or podcast, food prepping, ngaji, sort out kids school stuff and who knows what else. 

It was too easy to make me feel bad about myself; we were like totally a different species when it came to our daily routine capabilities.

But comes 2022, there are major change of daily routine that me and the whole family need to adjust and adapt. Saw an IG post on first 4 words that you see in the scrambled letter will be your 2022 mantra. Surprisingly it's relatable!


I don't want to feel negative about the challenges even before we started. Because at the end of the day (or year) we'll look back on this time and wonder how we got through it. I have no idea how we'll do it, we just had to do so we did! So, bring it on 2022 let's pasang niat and semoga Allah permudahkan segala urusan kita semua. 
