I'm off to Janda Baeekk for 3 days. Daaaa!
Showing posts from February, 2005
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biler ajar adly wat kejer skolah, kalo tak banyak...sket pon musti aku naik hangin, sbb dia cepat sebal. hahah time camnih lar aku kagum ngan cikgu skolah. besides today and tomoro mysis out of state, so pening jugaklar nak susun buku skolah adly ikut timetable. bapak banyak buku...ingat kurang dah :P ngan to-do-list panjang giler, siapkan bekal air lar, jgn luper bagi duit banjerlah kang x makan lak anak dia, bukak buku satu² tgk de homework tak, and the uniforms, so dat the next morning my dad can just grab and go. hmpphh :P
the past three days i've started workin on addm3 and sampai la nih 1 chap pon x siap lagik. for me sungguh lar x produktif. because of the workflow, i find it very suffocating! in technically....eps tak support, kena cut + paste text, tunggu jj siapkan icon, tabley link to server directly, etc etc. hampeh² co. lama pon kejer lagik smooth. they said dolu team yang handle tender nih banyak met an accident...by coincidence lar. sorang editor dolu putus urat sarap kepala, ader yang terpeleot time turun tangga, ader yang jatuh sakit kronik x ingat lak sakit per. heee mintak simpang. neway my first task time memula masuk dah siap jadik product, 4 storybooks. hahah! siap de nama lagik, tapik cam klako jek, as typesetter. blasahlar.
the past three days i've started workin on addm3 and sampai la nih 1 chap pon x siap lagik. for me sungguh lar x produktif. because of the workflow, i find it very suffocating! in technically....eps tak support, kena cut + paste text, tunggu jj siapkan icon, tabley link to server directly, etc etc. hampeh² co. lama pon kejer lagik smooth. they said dolu team yang handle tender nih banyak met an accident...by coincidence lar. sorang editor dolu putus urat sarap kepala, ader yang terpeleot time turun tangga, ader yang jatuh sakit kronik x ingat lak sakit per. heee mintak simpang. neway my first task time memula masuk dah siap jadik product, 4 storybooks. hahah! siap de nama lagik, tapik cam klako jek, as typesetter. blasahlar.
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I tot i was getting better/improve when telling the story without shed a tear. But couple of days ago shows i'm dead wrong. maybe its their nature dat they like to ask in details, but the thing is i'm not comfortable telling it to ppl i barely knew. Or maybe i was just being emo or touchy dat particular day. i dunno how differ/disturbing i looked when i got back, when my sis asked what's wrong? had a fight? pms? kena marah ngan bos? not a word i say, she just asked again...u missed mom eh? haik pandainye guessin. yeah, it's still the biggest loss i couldn't bear.
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Got back from melaka yesterday. celebrate cny kat sana for 2 days. hehe. rite from my house to hiway to century hotel --> Restoran Lot 85 Durian Daun --> Pantai Klebang --> Mahkota parade --> Medan Ikan Bakar Pernu-Umbai --> Restoran Nasi Kandar Jln Hang Tuah --> Dataran Pahlawan Bandar Hilir --> A Famosa, Bangunan Stadhuys , Muzium Samudera --> Jonker Walk --> sampailer ker depan bangunan minlon then back to my house. hepi tots and moments. Thanx to sham and yulie for their hospitality :)
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Setop lagik chanel nih. huhuh sian aku tgk!

Untuk makluman penonton yang dihormati, bermula dari 1 Feb 05, Ch9 akan menamatkan siaran buat sementara waktu. Ribuan penghargaan dan Terima Kasih di atas sokongan anda.

Untuk makluman penonton yang dihormati, bermula dari 1 Feb 05, Ch9 akan menamatkan siaran buat sementara waktu. Ribuan penghargaan dan Terima Kasih di atas sokongan anda.
/It has been a wonderful & meaningful 16 months journey for us in Ch9. We would like to thank all of you for the support. Ch9 takes a break starting 1 Feb 05. Thank You once again.