Di tatkala orang tgh syiok2 attend open house, i had to attend team building at Broga. Jalan masuk Exc*el Training nih syiok gak sbb kene lalu ladang getah and kebun sayur. Hijauuuunyer refreshing! However, x banyak yang sebaya in this batch so it wasn't that thrill. Luckily Jue and D ada skali so tada lah busan sangat. During
DAY 1, we had to panjat turun naik, begayut and terbang all the Obstacles. And then ada lah some indoor activities.

DAY 2, we had soaked into the water activities. Build a raft and race! Dahler before masuk tasik tuh, the trainers feed the fishes. I guess they want to make sure all the ikan dah kenyang kot so it wont get 'excited' when we get into the water? But think what kind of fish ada dalam tuh?! Anyhoo, my team won hehe. Later petang tuh ada sportscar race plak. This one my team kalah teruk tak sampai satu lap, handle dah tercabut hahaha. But we won for the new best design and low cost categories.
DAY 3 lak, had a chance to blajar pocho pocho sampai 5 steps. Heard there's at least 40 steps. Hehe my team mmg hancus bab2 synchronize nie...aku sendiri pon takleh ingat steps :P Around 2pm sumer dismiss balik KL with muscles cramp and bruises.