Like Cheepster used to say, 'before you know it'...i am engaged to the love of my life hehe :) Here are few photos i would like to share during the engagement.
These are fresh flowers yang my colleagues sponsored. i've bought 2 flower arrangements with the with roses and the other one with tiger lilies (not in this picture) also a lil bit of loose this-and-that flowers. thank you so much :)!

Time nie me, zet and k.zaila tgh soksek dalam bilik. Tetiba abg ayie bukak pintu asked me to get ready as cheep's mom is coming in. Haha kelam kabut pegi kat kosi and trus proceed with the sarung cincin session.
Here's the close up. Hope we'll get a wedding ring that compliment the engagement ring

Among UTM friends yang datang...tengkiu tengkiu so much for being there! Also thank you to Wan and Akmal yang jadik official photographer. As well as fitosh friends yang datang wpon ada yang kene kejer ari tuh. Not forgetting to Cheep's friends Kusa, who's tying the knot soon and Azwan yang pagi tuh baru jer slamat bernikah.
Outside the house, guests dah start makan2. Menu for that evening were nasik impit, kuah kacang, masalodeh, rendang, cupcakes, pasta marinara, mihun goreng and samosa. Later, D brought kuih koci cooked by her mom! sodaaappp!

Kat dalam umah lak continue amik gambar with family and friends. In this photo me taking pix with Cheepster's sisters.
With aunts, uncle and cousins. I just noticed that i didn't take a photo of the whole family with my sis, abg ayie and the rugrats in it. Such a waste :(

Some of the hantarans from me and cheepster.

Can't thank you enuff to my
sister who make this event happened and meaningful. Sorry had to burden her with most of the preparation. Also thanks to inchik for her art direction, maksu yang masakkan sambal nasik lemak and pulut kunen, mak wijah yang masak rendang dendeng, mak pah yang masakkan sambal sotong, niki yang bagi extra cupcakes. but of course among the special one is mak yah and pak mat's presence. wpon tak sihat she oways be on our side be it good or bad moments. dah macam oscar speech lak hak hak ;P
And before you know it, this guy became my fiance on that day hehehe <3 br="br">
Thank you for the wonderful wishes and doakan both of us a lifetime happiness :) Insya Allah.