Showing posts from April, 2010
Be careful
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Awww sangat cute! Shared by Jeeb - Don't worry I will catch you if you fall
Company Dinner 2010
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My company held an annual dinner for 2010 at Sime Darby Convention Center. It was not exactly annual lah because last year takde haha. The theme was Night of Colours and the company even declared a half day leave so that the staff can go home and get ready. But i'm not so lucky to balik awal though...something happened at the office which made me hangen satu badan. My plan to buy accessories to go with my top and run few errands hancus lebuq. So by the time i got home at 6.20pm, i was really not in the mood to go to the dinner because I only have like 30mins to get ready. Bukanlah nak melawa pon but hangen tak abes lagik hahaha. Layan emo jer dah baper minit. In fact i made a decision to tukar baju at the very last minute because i don't have necklace to go with my top! Why go colorful when i'm actually in a bad mood. So i chose black, senang nak match with anything! I even asked Cheep to changed his shirt instead of the original shirt he's supposed to wear which i already gosok for him >.<
We reached a bit late but just in time before the event started. Menggagau jugak nak carik table number dalam gelap. After registered ourselves dapat lah sehelai towel as doorgift. hak hak! The host for that nite was Efa Raziah and then ada multimedia show about company then and now. But banyak gambar yang dorang letak dalam tuh i hardly know because kejer kat site office mmg langsung tak kenal orang. And then first performance on the stage was tarian zapin.
Second performance plak a group of dancer nari lagu The Wonder Girls - Nobody. Seriously, it makes most of the audience wonder kenapa lah ada performance tuh, lol! Tak payah pon takper bleh jimat budget.
We sat one table ngan D, Poji, Padil and his wife. Too bad our table tak kene lucky draw that nite. Yang lucky draw individual pon tak dapat huk huk! Aper tah lagik the grand prizes.
But the highlights of the night was...Anuar Zain! Holoh holohhh cutenyer! His performance mmg very entertaining.
Last pix of us before balik. Cheep took this shot in front of the coffee bar's mirror. Well, in spite of my mood swing earlier, i had a good time even though dah start headache time makan.
We reached a bit late but just in time before the event started. Menggagau jugak nak carik table number dalam gelap. After registered ourselves dapat lah sehelai towel as doorgift. hak hak! The host for that nite was Efa Raziah and then ada multimedia show about company then and now. But banyak gambar yang dorang letak dalam tuh i hardly know because kejer kat site office mmg langsung tak kenal orang. And then first performance on the stage was tarian zapin.
Second performance plak a group of dancer nari lagu The Wonder Girls - Nobody. Seriously, it makes most of the audience wonder kenapa lah ada performance tuh, lol! Tak payah pon takper bleh jimat budget.
We sat one table ngan D, Poji, Padil and his wife. Too bad our table tak kene lucky draw that nite. Yang lucky draw individual pon tak dapat huk huk! Aper tah lagik the grand prizes.
The food however was a big disappointment. Sumernya tasteless oh!
But the highlights of the night was...Anuar Zain! Holoh holohhh cutenyer! His performance mmg very entertaining.
Managed to catch up with team members before balik and amik group photo. the colorful balloons. Tingat citer Up lagik ;)
With D in front of the ballroom entrance.
Cheep and Poji with manja pose. Koh koh koh *cringe*
Last pix of us before balik. Cheep took this shot in front of the coffee bar's mirror. Well, in spite of my mood swing earlier, i had a good time even though dah start headache time makan.
Petronas Pit Pulse @ KLCC
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The motorsport carnival, Petronas Pit Pulse was held at Jln Binj*i, KLCC from 28 March to 4 April. As nearby as it can be to my workplace, i didn't have the chance to go. Pffttt! Well every evening during the event, when i walked to my car i can hear the music blast! Fuhh geram jer nak gi tgk but the timing is just not right.
On the day ada F1 Street Demo featuring Michael Shumacher/ Nico Rosberg, i just watched it from the back stairs. So nampak lah cinonet jer the F1 car (kot) and i don't even know who's driving it. All i can see was memula the truck lead the car to show him the route. Then second round baru lah the action started.
But how laju can the driver bawak lah kan because tempat sempit. Dia lalu kat lane yang nak gi parking KLCC, made a u-turn and lalu sblah menara Tan & Tan and then pusing balik masuk Pit for few rounds. After few minutes i got bored, lol! Besides back stairs tuh kuat sangat bau cigarettes...tak boleh tahan :P
On the day ada F1 Street Demo featuring Michael Shumacher/ Nico Rosberg, i just watched it from the back stairs. So nampak lah cinonet jer the F1 car (kot) and i don't even know who's driving it. All i can see was memula the truck lead the car to show him the route. Then second round baru lah the action started.
But how laju can the driver bawak lah kan because tempat sempit. Dia lalu kat lane yang nak gi parking KLCC, made a u-turn and lalu sblah menara Tan & Tan and then pusing balik masuk Pit for few rounds. After few minutes i got bored, lol! Besides back stairs tuh kuat sangat bau cigarettes...tak boleh tahan :P
Alice in Wonderland Graffiti
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Came across this wall at Wangsa Maju area and i was like 'Wow!'
Kalo dapat tgk work in progress saper yangbuat graffiti nih sure bes! I wonder how long they took to finish the whole thing.
Close up on Mad Hatter.
Kalo dapat tgk work in progress saper yangbuat graffiti nih sure bes! I wonder how long they took to finish the whole thing.
iPhone PreOrder Collection
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We reached One Utama as early as 10.30am and went straight to the Digi roadshow at Oval Concourse. My pre order collection was on Thursday but could not make it because hari kejer and later found out that my subline kalo nak upgrade kene ada principal sama. Sib baik tak glojoh pegi sorang2 on Thursday.
We filled up the forms and with our details (iPhone color aper, size aper and which Digi plan nak subscribe) then straight to the registration counter. Since i have to convert my subline to principal first, kene gi kaunter lain dolu. Tatau lah aper benda dorang buat but they processed Cheep and my applications together. Sonang :)
At collection counter, dorang kuarkan warranty card and the iPhone box ^.^ We both chose the cool black karer. Here can check if the iPhone ada defect or not. Mine got spots which at first i thought was calar kat chrome. Lama gak orang tuh tolong lap sampai hilang muahaha. And then went to check out counter plak where they explained cemana nak masukkan sim card, cemana nak on/off iPhone etc. Finally selesaiiii!
The freebies inside paperbag: starter kit, pen, and iPhone case yellow color. Few mins later we went to hunt proper case because yang free tuh cover partial only. Kalo scratch naya jer. Cheep bought Rebel Serpent for him and izei for me. I had a hard time choosing case yang berkenan sampai poning paler pacik tuh :P We walked back and forth from new wing to old wing twice...penat gila! End up beli brand yang tak baper well known but i'm happy with it.
Here's my new iPhone hiks! Somehow biler transfer my contacts from Sony to iPhone jadik hancus and caca marba! Jenuh nak edit and rename balik. And my iDigi plan dah activated yeehaw!
We filled up the forms and with our details (iPhone color aper, size aper and which Digi plan nak subscribe) then straight to the registration counter. Since i have to convert my subline to principal first, kene gi kaunter lain dolu. Tatau lah aper benda dorang buat but they processed Cheep and my applications together. Sonang :)
At collection counter, dorang kuarkan warranty card and the iPhone box ^.^ We both chose the cool black karer. Here can check if the iPhone ada defect or not. Mine got spots which at first i thought was calar kat chrome. Lama gak orang tuh tolong lap sampai hilang muahaha. And then went to check out counter plak where they explained cemana nak masukkan sim card, cemana nak on/off iPhone etc. Finally selesaiiii!
The freebies inside paperbag: starter kit, pen, and iPhone case yellow color. Few mins later we went to hunt proper case because yang free tuh cover partial only. Kalo scratch naya jer. Cheep bought Rebel Serpent for him and izei for me. I had a hard time choosing case yang berkenan sampai poning paler pacik tuh :P We walked back and forth from new wing to old wing twice...penat gila! End up beli brand yang tak baper well known but i'm happy with it.
Here's my new iPhone hiks! Somehow biler transfer my contacts from Sony to iPhone jadik hancus and caca marba! Jenuh nak edit and rename balik. And my iDigi plan dah activated yeehaw!
Visit GLC Mommies
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Couple of weeks ago, me and Cheep went to visit Kak Fara at her house in Klang. This is second time pegi tapik still sesat jugak :P Dari shah alam pon still bleh rasa jauh haha tapik biler dah jumpe rumahnyer lega rasa! lol! Yang turut memeriahkan rombongan were D, Poji, Kak Moji and family.

Kak Moji pon baru deliver jugak 1month+ earlier. Her baby's name is Mukhri (left) and Kak Fara punyer baby nama Fahren Adly (right)

Lepas dah makan puas2 and coochie coochie coo ngan baby kitowang pon gerak balik. Alhamdulillah dapat nengok 2 babies at one time :) Kak fara, thanks for having us.