Abu (r.i.p) and his furballs
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Wedding Dash
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Otw to Klang, kitowang tersalah pilih simpang and we end up pusing2 kat bandar Klang for 1 hour! It was totally crazy and frustrating. Susah beno nak find our way out back to highway menghala Banting. Biler dah jumpe jalan yang benar, dengan tegarnyer kitowang sambung perjalanan sampai kawasan umah Sally. Aku pon bukak maps yang dah set lat-long given by Kak Wy. Dah habes betol dah ikot instructions tapik kitowang sampai kat umah orang yang oso ada khemah kawen tapik sib baik takde orang. Kalo tak mmg kitowang masuk duduk makan kot. Pehtu husband Kak Wy tolong guide directions and kitowang berjaya sampai to the right house. Dekat jer from tempat yang salah memula tuh hehe. Lepas amik2 gambar baru pegi isik perot yang dah kelaparan.
Nice kan the wedding cake? Pengantinnyer sendiri yang buat...sbb mmg dia buat business cake. And then siap bagi special cupcake for friends =) Time makan tuh, tetiba hujan lebat pulok dahhh!! Lebat selebat2nyer...trus kitowang stranded kat stu for another hour. Hadoiii gundah gulana dibuatnyer because nak kene attend wedding lagik satu kat Rawang yang bleh tahan jauhnyer. Since hujan tak benti2, we queued tunggu turn nak pinjam payung >.<
Otw nak sampai umah Dani tuh jam pulak kat tol sbb ada eksiden lori masuk longkang. Cobaannnn! Biler dah sampai kat umah dia, lama pulak kitowang duduk dalam keta contemplating nak masuk ke tak sbb dah pukul 5.30pm! Meja kosi sumer dah kene susun egeegege. Dani plak tak jawab tepon lagik lah seber salah nak bagi salam. Lepas tuh nampak Mader Dani kitowang pon nekad masuk jugak. Nampak jer pengantin tgh posing kat pelamin, fuhhh leganyer! Tadalah okwed sangat hehehe.
One of the hantaran. Cute nyeh cake nie! Nampak sangat fresh. Lepas amik2 gambar ngan Dani & Mukeh kat bawah kitowang join kejap amik gambar kat bilik pengantin.
And then the pengantin nak make a move pegi amik gambar outdoor maka kitowang pon gerak skali mau pulang. Lega dah selesai tunjuk muka kat kenduri kengkawan. Selamat pengantin baru to kowang sumer, Sally & Apiq, Dani & Mukeh, and also Sharax & Bukhari!
Gifts for newborn
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Went to jusco setiawangsa to get newborn gifts for our colleagues yg baru dapat baby. There were 3 of em and sume daddies hehe. Me also check out anything interesting for my future purchase. Ok ke beli cot camnie? Or should i stick to the classic kayu cam yang sblah tuh?
One of the dads specifically request for this car seat. Since dia dah buat research dolu snang lah dah tau which one dia nak. We bought this car seat for RM199, since lebey dari budget collection, the daddy willingly to topup sket.
This one plak for second dad. Since nih second child so most of the stuff dia dah ada and we were clueless what to buy for him. So beli satu gym mat and one dress.
Sessi bagi hadiah
Oh ya the 3rd dad requested for stroller. We bought the one yang harga RM129...brand blue cherry jugak kot. Settle udahhhh sumernya :)
House Warming @ Putrajaya
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When we arrived, Wawa, Din, Rusyd and Lia were already there. So just nice lah not too early and not too late hehe. Followed by Ja'a, Sue, Wan, Yatie. All we did was borak and makan. Layan sungguh aku makan sate sbb cam dah lama tak makan and sedap plak tuh hehe. Gambar Sue below before her due date in 2 weeks time ^.^
Biler dah balik baru pasan i left my laptop kat umah akmal. And yang lagik besnyer my wallet dalam tuh! Huahauhaua dengan pantas called wawa mintak tolong pegangkan dolu because pegi damansara lagik dekat than patah balik pjaya. Luckily wawa and din baru nak kuar from umah akmal and sangat rajin nak drive ke SA to pass the laptop. Alahaiii baiknyer hati hangpa! Weekend habes camtuh jer, wasted 2 hari sbb kene gi kejer but ends with a nice small gathering with old friends. Alhamdulillah.
Notakaki: Thanks to Akmal & Jann because aku request ajak jumpe, but dorang yang jadik host :)
Random picks
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- Yesterday reached home around 10.30pm and suddenly feels like to read something. Tapik terjoin Cheep nengok keynote Steve World pasal iphone 4 pulak sampai nantok. Berabuk dah buku kat bilik tuh hehe.
- Nak beli langsir kaler aper and pattern aper for bilik. Tapik kene pikir gak cemana nak kaver panel lama Sbb ada dua! kalo cabut kang mau belobang dinding. Any idea?
- Tingin nak pegi Midvalley because Nani said dia jumpa barang yang aku nak carik kat Metrojaya sana and it's cheap! i want! i want! hope it's exactly what i had in mind.
- Nak apply cuti teman my sis deliver. So now tunggu dia confirm date biler dia kene masuk hospital. I can accompany the rugrats while my bro in law teman dia kat labor room. Hmmm nak beli aper yeh for the new family member :)
- Need to pay visit to Mak Yah. Sis said she's not well because both of her eyes dah makin x nampak. Slalu tingat and rindu kat dia...tapik liat betoi nak dial her number.
- This saturday ada 2 kenduri to attend. One in Klang and the other one kat Selayang huhu
Medical Card
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Actually on the day pegi collect card kat HQ ada briefing by Alli*nz. But since we were in a hurry, masing2 ada meeting nak kene masuk kol 3pm, we just grabbed and go. List of clinic/hospital panel pon x supply, how to use it pon tatau, saket aper and ubat aper yang tak cover oso we don't know. Huhuhu tunggu jelah dorang upload kat intranet. Hope the list that i found on internet nih betoi...because DEMC listed. Harap2 je lahhhh.
List of panel hospitals here.