
Showing posts from August, 2010

Happy 53rd Merdeka Day!

Selamat Hari Merdeka to everyone!
Sayangi lah negara, respect adat and budaya tak kira bangsa ataupon agama. Moga kekal aman bahagia.

Buka puasa @ Nandos, Subang Parade

On Saturday, Cheep went for buka puasa with his gamer friends in OU. I joined em last year but i don't think i'm fit for buffet this year. So i invited Mas to buka puasa with me at Subang Parade. Most of the time i buka puasa kat umah tuh yang semangat sangat nak kuar jugak that saturday. Mas came with her sis, Naz and petang tuh tetiba D and Poji text me cakap nak join jugak. Yayyy! The more the merrier! From Kenny Rogers to Nandos because dah full house even though it was only 6pm at that time. Sib baik Mas awal and pegi book tempat kalo tak...merempat ler makan benda merapu2 dolu. Lepas order and paid for the food, we ronda2 around Subang Parade nengok baju raya and knick knacks from ground floor to 2nd floor. Banyak yang cun2....mahal2 pon yer jugak :P

Buka puasa @ Nandos Subang Parade

D and Poji sampai tempat kejadian almost 7pm with cupcakes in hand. Wheee....i never get bored with cupcakes ♥

Buka puasa @ Nandos Subang Parade

Ice lemon tea dah depan mata...fuhhh sedapnyeh! I ordered the usual 3 quarter chicken (hot) with coleslaw and peri chips.

Buka puasa @ Nandos Subang Parade

Lepas makan we went to surau yang tersangat lah packed so we rushed to Empire Gallery. Mak aih berkocak-kocak 4 glasses of ice lemon tea dalam perot biler jalan laju2. Mengah toksah cakap lah. Sib baik lah surau besar kat situ and tak banyak orang. After jenjalan kat Tangs, aku ajak dorang gi minom kat The Loaf or Whisk. Or The Loaf sbb dah diri depan kaunter. Or Whisk pon ok jugak. Last2 pegi the Whisk sbb curious ramai sangat promote cafe nie hehe. It was a very small cafe near to Jaya Grocer but the crowd size lagik besar dari cafe.

Coffee break @ Whisk

From most of the 'talk of the town' ramai yang recommend red velvet cake and macarons. But tgk all the glass cake stand mostly sumernya empty. Dapat tgk label jelah hehe. And macarons pon tinggal sket. But all i want at that time was coffee!

Coffee break @ Whisk
Coffee break @ Whisk Coffee break @ Whisk

I had Bicerin (espresso, drinking chocolate and whole milk served layered in a small rounded glass), D had Mochacinno con la nutella while Poji had Hazelnut Hot Choc. I found my coffee tak cukup kick so kesimpulannyer for RM11.50 my craving for caffeine was not fully satisfied :(

Coffee break @ Whisk

Minom2, borak2 test amik gambar pakai powershot A490. Lepas tuh kitowang pon balik. Thank you guys for buka posa together2 :)

Baby Cot

I came across Babies Kingdom at when i was browsing for baby cot. I was so happy to find out they have a showroom in Kota Damansara so that we can tgk sendiri the item and save postage cost yang mau cecah ratus sbb berat. Baik beli kat jusco or ikea cash and carry trus yedak. I wanted to drop by at Camyland too, and little did i know that these 2 shops are in the same area lol! Naik jer Babies Kingdom shop, i saw the baby cot i've been eyeing at the website already ^.^ The initial plan was to get the cot only because the package they offered was out of our budget. Tanya punyer tanya, we changed the mattress type and we got a good deal!

The package included baby cot, mattress, 7pcs crib set (2 pcs fitted Cot Bumper, 1pc Fitted Comforter, 1 pc Fitted Sheet, 1 pc pillow, 2 pcs bolster) and 1 free latex pillow *happy! happy!* We can pick the design for the crib set too. I'm torn between 2 patterns, so Cheep jelah buat final decision kalo tak, mau stgh jam nak decide :P

Additionally, we also bought cot mobile and receiving blankets. Kat website yang having sale, sumer receiving blankets that i want dah out of stock. Tambah happy when i found one here! The sales assistant, Mimi was very nice and helpful :) Tolong hantar and masukkan barang dalam keta. Alhamdulillah setel, 1 out of the Big 4 dah beli! Yay!

Then we walked to Sunway Giza to check out Camyland plak yang having Raya sale. Belek sana belek sini and jumpe gak satu benda yang worth to buy. Lollipop nursing pillow with 50% discount! Before nie tgk yang 2nd hand pon ada orang jual mahal...this one brand new dapat much much more cheaper. Balik umah trus pakai the pillow to support my back while lounging in bed hehe! Bes gila banyak sale skang nie sampai 16 sept, i wish i can buy everything within this period. But my budget dah lari sebenonyer huahuahuaaaaa. Lom masuk lagi budget nak beraya hadoiiiii!

BFF Contest by Canon

Today i went to Menara Star to collect prize for BFF Contest. (Read previous entry Femme City here). Bangunan dah jumpa but tatau nak masuk kat mana and i had to u-turn again sib baik tak telajak jauh. I didn't know it's inside Phileo :P Wish D/ Shara can come along but masing2 busy so gamble jelah pegi sorang. The receptionist told me the BFF contest prize giving ceremony is on 2nd floor. I was 10mins early because it was supposed to start at 3pm but by 3.20pm we still waiting for one of the winner to arrive. One of first thing i saw when i walked into the room was the BFF poster and photos of winner ^.^

BFF Contest by Canon

The podium on the right and the prizes on the left yang baru nak disusun. Saspen jer time nie tatau lagik dapat which camera.

BFF Contest by Canon

The prizes are as Canon IXUS 130, IXUS 120IS, IXUS 95IS and Powershot A490. Would be nice if i can upgrade my IXUS 60 *wishful thinking*

And then the mc called out my name. I was one of the lucky 7 consolation prize winner :) Yayyy! Tak dapat top three pon takpelah janji dapat jugak hadiah camera!

BFF Contest by Canon

With the rest of happy owner of the new Canon camera.

BFF Contest by Canon

So this is the close up of what we won, Canon Powershot A490 with a case. No memory card and screen protector. Yang terkeciwa sket the camera use battery AA. But should be lagik terel than my IXUS 60 because 10mpx.

BFF Contest by Canon

But anyway, this is by far the most grand prize i ever received in any contest. Itupon idea member2 yang nak pose cemana. So congrats to Diana, Shara and Wanie as well :) Camno nak bahagi2kan hadiah neh? Kalo boleh makan senang sket. LOL!

BFF Contest by Canon

August Giveaways from Emila Yusof

I won some stuff from Emila Yusof. Hurray! Now Spiff, don't be jealous yeah?! LOL!

I was so happy to see a package for me when i got home yesterday :) I received a notepad, 2 keychains and a personalized card. Thank you so much kak Emila! ♥

Notakaki: I missed the times i used to be active in SwapBot. Dapat letters, postcards and parcel from all parts of the was awesome! But postage cost is not :(

The Red Storihood

This would be my second red handbag. First one dolu bleh kira baper kali jer pakai sbb kecik and susah matching but lepas tuh tah cemana terpenyet sbb salah simpan dalam almari trus buang. This time it's bigger in size, senang nak sangkut kat bahu and it's a GIFT :)

Matching ngan my phone case plak tuh! merah nyeh nyahhh! And now all i need is to find a nice pair of flat peep toe in RED. Wahahaha! sandal skang cam macik2 but pakai sampai kepam sbb comfy. Kaki kembang pon tak pasan because it's a slip on. Gonna pakai 2 more months ^.^ lepas tuh baru carik proper kasut again for work and most prolly it's gonna be black :P but i always hate shoes hunting.

p.s: I'm starting to hate the apple sticker kat blakang fon tuh. Besar gabak sangat! But it protect the case jugak ekceli. When banyak sangat scratch baru zrapppp buang!

Bazaar Ramadhan

First time went to bazaar ramadhan at stadium SA after 1 year plus stay kat sini haha. Orang cakap sini is the biggest and most happening param. Most of the stalls jual food lain sket dari yang lain, mmg at least satu tuh musti kene ngan citarasa tekak punyer lah. I didn't realize i kept saying it until kene mock ngan Cheep. Pffft!

Rasa dolu cam jarang nampak orang jual kepak ayam madu. Kat sini sampai 4-5 gerai...ada yang jual RM1 or RM1.50. First time try kepak ayam madu time kat KK, Sabah. Punyer sedap i still can remember smp skang.

And then we came across this stall yang nampak sangat appetizing. Skewered chicken, beef and kamben! Bau pon menusuk kalbu. Smangat giler nak beli skali baru pasan queue punyer lah panjang! Alahaiii terbantot napsu!

Musbi sedap since ramai orang sanggup bratur rite? We'll try again tomoro (if rajin)

Mission accomplished when i got my hands on the tafufa. Since smalam craving but Cheep kene kejer so postpone today. Banyak kedai jual, but i was a bit fickle pilih tafufa cam pilih ikan hahaks! Nak kene tgk texture dia dolu and gula tuh kene nampak pekat :P

Nih pon menarik gak jual assorted pizzas. One slice RM2.50 but tak beli pon hehe.

Tgh try Clear Cam app. Snap 3 continuous shots and then it automatically saves the sharpest. Sesuai for moving object because it eliminates the blur. Not bad kan?! :)

Cheep tepi bazaar ramadhan tahan panas and asap.

Sampai umah gi visit the house bunny yang dah lebey sebulan siap but i never masuk tgk. It used to be a store room, but after Abu was killed by civet cat MIL turned it into the house bunny. Eksaited nyer tgk anak Abu sumer dah besaq and the best part was dorang still manja. I hold Ginger and kiss2 tapik dia relax jer tak meronta2 pon nak escape *melt*. Yang sekoq lagik tatau nama, memula tgh nyorok blakang cage, after MIL soh dia pegi makan surprisingly dia kuar and join the siblings makan! Fuhhh cam pahammm jer dia hahaha! Kiut giler rasa nak squeeze!

Lunch at Fullhouse

2 days before puasa, me and colleagues went to Fullhouse @ Jln Yap Kwan Seng. We got a good parking spot right in front of the entrance. But unfortunately once inside, takde rasa ekon langsun...rosak kot. We even changed tables from near the backyard to a corner where they sell collectibles. Still panas though but bearable.

I ordered lunch set that comes with mushroom soup, pasta and dessert for RM16.90

The desserts were supposed to be tartlets but they replaced it with mini cakes.

Saw a panda tissue box! Aihhh kiutnyerrrr!! The price is RM29 :( My Hello Kitty tissue box kat opis tuh pon malas nak stock up tissue ada hati nak beli lagi tissue box. But this is panda i'm talkin about! Takpe lah next time tau mana nak beli :P

At the back of this cafe ada nice backyard setup with cute mini car. The last time i went here case sama jugak kelam kabut amik gambar sbb nak rush balik opis and tak bawak camera. So masing2 pakai camera phone jer.

Few more shots before we finally leave the place ;)

Craig David-Insomnia

I was watching slideshow gambar orang yang used this song as background and tersuka! Use shazam app to identify the song and the result was Craig David - Insomnia.

Femme City 2010

Femme City was organized by (The Star). We went to KL Convention Centre to check out the buzz. The original plan was to sampai sana 12.30pm but we had internal meeting yang drag sampai 1pm+! Poor Shara kene tunggu sana lama, and oso kesian Mas yang tak jadik ikot because dah lewat sangat. Sampai sana, we were only 2-3mins late to get goodies bag! /sad

Femme City 2010 @ KL Convention Centre

Some of the decors at Femme City. Masuk2 jer dah excited amik gambar lol! I'm not sure nih theme kempen keselamatan jalan raya pon ada. But it was a great spot to amik gambar :)

Femme City 2010 @ KL Convention Centre Femme City 2010 @ KL Convention Centre
Femme City 2010 @ KL Convention Centre Femme City 2010 @ KL Convention Centre

There were lots of booth with products and services. But we didn't managed to cover everything because dah time's up kene masuk opis balik :( These are some of the booths yang ada, sumer decorate bes2!

Dapat test Nestle cereal sket and Nescafe sket. I like the new Ipoh white coffee! Sodap!

At Canon booth plak ada BFF contest. All we gotta do is snap a picture together in most fun and creative manner. And then print the photo on Selphy printer provided at the booth and complete it with a slogan. Tuh yang lomah sket nak kene create slogan...but hantam ajer lah just for fun :)

Femme City 2010 @ KL Convention Centre Femme City 2010 @ KL Convention Centre

Kat end of the hall there was a big and long wall where contestants can tampal the photos and conteng suker2. We submitted 2 photos for the contest. Hope one of it will win wpon slogan kodi hehehe ;)

Femme City 2010 @ KL Convention Centre Femme City 2010 @ KL Convention Centre

I love this shot most. Wish i have a copy for myself!

Femme City 2010 @ KL Convention Centre