
Showing posts from January, 2011

Gathering Skali Skala

It's been a while tak jumpe bebudak uni since last raya i think. We've been discussing biler nak jumpe and kat mana dalam email a week before but makin nak dekat date makin senyap. Ingat cam tak jadik lah sbb si Zect takde and Wawa ada hal. Sampai lah hari kejadian, Ja'a sms sumer orang and make sure the meetup took place. But janji melayu seperti biasa lah hahaha. Set pukul 2 tapik kol 3 lebey baru ada 3 families sampai. Aku plak memula nak kuar lambat sket when Ja'a said he'll be a little late, end up jadik lambat banyak sbb Qeeb nak feeding dolu. Sib baik lah tempatnye dekat. Sampai kat Empire Gallery, we went straight to Kenny Rogers where everybody dah start makan ;)

Lunch Gathering @ Empire Gallery

Ja'a and wifey Sue.

Lunch Gathering @ Empire Gallery

Nih plak anak dorang, Ar Rayyan (7 months). Since i never met Rayyan since he was born, tuh maknanya dah 7 bulan tak jumpe the parents lah tuh hehe.

Lunch Gathering @ Empire Gallery

Here are Wan and the Wander girls. Anak yang eldest, Arissa Sofia yang seken one plak Aina Fathiah (6 months).

Lunch Gathering @ Empire Gallery

Akmal and his daughter, Athirah.

Lunch Gathering @ Empire Gallery

Akmal's son, Asyraf

Lunch Gathering @ Empire Gallery

And me + Jeeb yang baru join the club. Baru satuuuu!

Lunch Gathering @ Empire Gallery

Time kitowang makan si Qeeb tidoq. Baiknyehhh! Lepas tuh bangun minom susu satu das. Dah kumpul2 camnie, nampak Qeeb bleh tahan gak besonyer wahahhaa. Dah macam nak sama size ngan Fathiah yang 6 months tuh.

Lunch Gathering @ Empire Gallery

Dah abes makan, Rusy baru sampai. Pastuh depan kedai, kitowang tunggu Walad plak datang. Ngehehehe ada gak yang lagik lambat dari aku :P Sesambil tuh amik gambar bapak2 posing ngan stroller masing2.

Lunch Gathering @ Empire Gallery

Rusy ngan first child, Hanni Umairah.

Lunch Gathering @ Empire Gallery

Rusy's wife, Lia with their second daughter Hanni Ulyana. She was born a week after Qeeb and see the size difference! She looked so small and cute. Si Lia nih time tgk Qeeb tekujat2 dia sbb Qeeb dah cam budak besor hehe.

Lunch Gathering @ Empire Gallery

Jannah and Athirah while waiting for Akmal yang gi toilet time nie.

Lunch Gathering @ Empire Gallery

Yati posing ngan Fathiah. So far dedua anak dorang ikot muka Wan nampak gayanyer.

Lunch Gathering @ Empire Gallery

Lepas tuh kitowang gi surau. Time nih aku dah start saket perot and rasa nak muntah. Haiyaaaa kaco plan nak gi jenjalan ngan dorang. Tapik sempat lagik posing with CNY decor depan entrance Empire Gallery egegege. Qeeb pon pandaiiiii buat posing camnie ;)

Lunch Gathering @ Empire Gallery Lunch Gathering @ Empire Gallery

Lunch Gathering @ Empire Gallery

When i looked at this wall rasa cam bes plak amik gambar. Saket perot tolak tepi dolu keh keh.

Lunch Gathering @ Empire Gallery

Fly like a G6, Naqeeb! (cengkononnyer). Gigih angkat dia tinggi2 nak mik gambar ngan aeroplane graffiti.

Lunch Gathering @ Empire Gallery'

But dia dah start ngamuk plak dah. And NO i didn't shake him.

Lunch Gathering @ Empire Gallery

Lepas salam2, we made a move balik umah. Sayang i couldn't join them a bit longer. Balik tuh trus tidoq pengsan, makan pil chi ket teck aun and then sambung tido lagik. Luckily ada orang tolong jagakan si Qeeb, around 10pm baru dapat layan dia. Shiannnn!

Nota kaki: Haruslah entry nih letak nama penuh anak masing2...nak kene hapal pas nih senang nak panggey.

Qeeb's 2 months milestones

I used the C-Pillow for Qeeb to blajar duduk and meniarap. Steadyyyy!

Qeeb in Red

Qeeb's milestones at 2 months old:
  • He stays awake for longer period and dah kurang tido during day time. So malam he sleeps longer and only awake around 6am for feeding. Nih kira our manual alarm nak bangun subuh lah ahaha.
  • Dolu tido static jer but now asik sliding ke bawah. I had to position him at the foot of the cot to prevent him from sliding down beneath the blankie.
  • Pandai borak walaupon lambat sket nak warm up. But once dah start, borak non stop sampai lah melalak mintak susu. Kira time's up dia dah penat lah tuh.
  • Biler bangun tido and tak mintak susu, dia layan tgk cot mobile sambil tersengih sorang2. I guess dia excited tgk benda tuh moving and colorful because from his angle i don't think bes sangat tgk montot gajah, giraffe, bird, etc.
  • Kaki dia dah kuat biler timang dia keras kan kaki. Lepas nie timang sambil lompat2 lah plak.

Qeeb in Red Qeeb in Red
Qeeb in Red Qeeb in Red

♥ ♥ ♥

Prehistoric Baby

Time amik gambar nie, Qeeb was 1 month & 21 days old. He wore Prehistoric Pumpkin Patch rompers given by aunty shua and aunty amy. However sempat pakai 3 kali jer because dah ketat. Sayangnyeeee because i love the dinosaurs theme! The rompers label rupanyer tulis premature babies daaaa hahaha! But the blankie still can use :)

Prehistoric Baby

Sometimes Qeeb tido muka rungsing. Berkerot2 dahi...aper masalah negara lah yang dia pikior dalam tido tuh.

Prehistoric Baby

Kaki yang comel & bersih. No dry skin and cracked heels hehe.

Qeeb in Red

Jari yang runcing, mulus dan masyamph sebab slalu sumbat dalam mulut.

Qeeb's finger

Lunch @ Sister's Kitchen, G-Tower

December last year, we had lunch together. Everybody was there except Zaza because she's working in Penang. The next one, insya Allah Zaza will join before she give birth...kalo sempat lah ;)

Lunch @ GTower

We chose Sister's Kitchen at G-Tower this time sbb paling dekat ngan orang yang tgh bz and dekat ngan LRT. As for me I went there with Jannah, mintak tolong dia fetched me kat umah because I haven't start working lagik time nie and keta plak Cheep pinjam.

Lunch @ GTower

Also gift exchange session from meka2 yang went for vacation. Sangat nais and totful!

Lunch @ GTower

Mas plak jadik pengedar kalendar official PNB. Yelah dah nak masuk taun baru time tuh kan mustilah sumer orang semangat nak kalendar. On another note, my company neh dah nak masuk february...refill for planner 2011 pon tak dapat lagik. Hurmphhh :(

Lunch @ GTower

The food kat sini sedap jugak but kenot buat port makan tiap2 ari lah sbb quite mahal for daily lunch rate. I ordered ciken masak ginger, biler food dah sampai tgk cam menu orang pantang jer. Halahaiii beria kuar makan jauh2 skali pilih food macam orang pantang jugak.

Lunch @ GTower

Pastuh ada dessert cake sempena our birthday yang fall on November and December.

Lunch @ GTower

Tengkiu blanjer cake uols!

Lunch @ GTower

Till the next GLC meetup ;)

Anniversary Date Night

On 10.01.11 we went to have dinner at Chillis, Empire Gallery. Muka masing2 penat giler tapik pegi jugak because it's a special date kan. I ordered Triple Play for starters. Menu wajib that everytime i ordered, rasa konpiden boleh abeskan. But eventually give up sbb overload :P Especially chicken crispers dia yang isiknyer empok sangat tuh.

Anniversary Dinner @ Chillis

For main course, i had Fajita Quesadillas Combo ada ciken and beef. Time nak order tuh cam bes jer sebut 'kuasadiya' keh keh! Manyak lah kuasadia...dia mana? :P it's ekceli kay-sah-dee-yah hoccay! *slaps forehead* This one mmg sedap and when we ate the leftovers the next day pon still sedap

Anniversary Dinner @ Chillis

Cheep plak had Big Mouth Bites burger. Tak try rasa langsung the burger because i was busy ngecak dia nyer onion ring but according to him rasa dia biasa2 jer.

Anniversary Dinner @ Chillis

Muka kembang penat. Gigih senyum sebab nak amik gambar cukup syarat.

Anniversary Dinner @ Chillis

Oh ya! earlier that day I received a bouquet of flowers and a box of dark cekelat at the opis. Awww Cheep sweet neh! Yang funneh nyer, time delivery guy datang i was walking towards the door nak kuar gi jumpe kak roza, macam tau2 jer nak dapat surprise. So aku ler yang sambut bunga tuh dengan gaya suke-malu.

Anniversary Gift

The next day i brought a tall vase sbb nak transfer the bunga. Sedappp jer bau fresh flowers kan? But flower arrangement? PHAIL!

Anniversary Gift

Ilham Resort @ Port Dickson

On Thursday i asked person in charge in HR, Kak Tim if ada available room at Ilham Resort. When Kak Tim cakap ada, hari Jumaat trus pegi bayar and sabtu we shoot to PD. Yeehaw! Since nak bilik dekat ngan pool, the additional RM30 kene gi bayar kat Ilham itself. Memula keciwa gak tak dapat bilik depan pool, but rupanyer bilik 1061 pon ok jer. Surprisingly ramai pulak that weekend, ingatkan dah abes cuti skolah bleh lah kitowang conquer the swimming pool.

Weekend @ Ilham Resort, Port Dickson Weekend @ Ilham Resort, Port Dickson

Posing depan our 3 bedroom apt

Weekend @ Ilham Resort, Port Dickson Weekend @ Ilham Resort, Port Dickson

Lepas letak bag and everything, we went to check out the beach. Unfortunately cam tak sesuai untuk begolek2 di pasiran pantai. Our next door neighbour cakap malam ada tempat makan kat gazebo, price starting from RM6. So kitowang pon trus decide nak makan situ jer tayah susah2 nak kuar carik dinner.

Weekend @ Ilham Resort, Port Dickson Weekend @ Ilham Resort, Port Dickson

Around 4pm, get ready nak masuk pool! Memula semangat nak berenang katak dolu bakar kalori sket but the pool x bersih ler pulok, banyak habuk and kumbang mati lemas pon ada. Not too mentioned ramai orang :( So trus proceed with ektibiti merendam Qeeb at the kid's pool. At first celop kaki dolu, tgk respond ok so rendam lagik sampai perot barulah kuar bunyik "ehekkkk!". So stop sampai perot jelah. Besides i tot pool is supposed to be warm, nih sejuk giler!

Weekend @ Ilham Resort, Port Dickson

I love this pix most because Cheep tried to copy Qeeb, lol!

Weekend @ Ilham Resort, Port Dickson

Qeeb with his mom and dad :)

Weekend @ Ilham Resort, Port Dickson Weekend @ Ilham Resort, Port Dickson

Macam sweating buckets hahaha. But itu water drops aaar!

Weekend @ Ilham Resort, Port Dickson

Fuhh! Muka penat lepas swim 10x lap! I can't resist to buy this bath robe. Cute kannn?! Who cares how fast he will outgrow this bath robe as long as it's too cute.

Weekend @ Ilham Resort, Port Dickson

Malam we had dinner at the gazebo and we were the only customers time tuh. I noticed banyak family chose BBQ next to this spot. One thing though, the staff pasang full blast music wpon nampak ada baby struggling to sleep. Memula tried to accommodate lah jugak because maybe they had to pasang kuat for orang2 kat blah BBQ to enjoy. But my telinga dah bingit, nak makan pon tak comfortable and i'm sure it's worst for Qeeb. So terpaksalah sound soh lower the volume barulah senang ati nak makan. The foods yang kitowang tried were nasi goreng kampung, nasi ayam and char koay tiaw sumer sedap and portion pon banyak.

Weekend @ Ilham Resort, Port Dickson

Time jenjalan kat padang nampak banyak moms yang tgh dodoikan baby. Or maybe tgh take turn with their husband while salah sorang makan. Now i feel them hehe.

Weekend @ Ilham Resort, Port Dickson

Qeeb tgh excited borak with his dad sambil mengembang-kempis kan hidongnyer.

Weekend @ Ilham Resort, Port Dickson

I like this pix jugak, sayang shaky sket. So which one is cute, the son or the dad? Of course lah both, dedua my chenta hati.

Weekend @ Ilham Resort, Port Dickson

The next morning, we had breakfast at the Serambi. Planned nak makan ala carte jer but harga spinggan nasik lemak is RM18, sama harga ngan buffet so of course lah baik makan buffet yedak? Tuh yang terpaksa pulun makan banyak tuh :P But as for the maid, she only took plain rice, kacang, cili api and kicap. Jenuh soh dia tambah lagik, but she refused. Ok la fine, low maintenance. So that was our first short trip to PD as a new family, the longest car ride (wpon tak sampai 2hrs) and the first swimming lesson for Qeeb :)

Weekend @ Ilham Resort, Port Dickson

Roger and out from the k-pop star, Qeeb. Annyonghi kashipshio!

Weekend @ Ilham Resort, Port Dickson