Tawas Membership
I applied Tabung Warisan Anak Selangor (TAWAS) for Qeeb because he was born in Selangor and Cheep pon anak Selangor. Since he is entitled, so might as well take a full advantage whatever the government has to offer right! At first, I registered online and then sent all the required hardcopy documents to YAWAS.
Why took all the hassle to register? The only benefit i know for now is that Selangor government will give RM100 in an account saving for a start. When the kid has reached 18 years old, he will receive RM1500. Good for future education eh? Walaupon education cost of course lagik banyak dari tuh but saper nak bagi that amount of money kannn? One of the syarat to apply is umur anak tak boleh lebeh dari setahun. If any of you are interested with other syarat/ kriteria in details, go to their website at www.tawas.org.my.
After tunggu more than one month for the application to be processed, finally Qeeb received his first snail mail! Skali baca macam addressed to Adik Cheep plak hahaha. Tuh yang haru spelling nama nak dekat2.

Tadaaa Qeeb's first membership card. Tambah koleksi card lagik lah dalam my wallet :P
Why took all the hassle to register? The only benefit i know for now is that Selangor government will give RM100 in an account saving for a start. When the kid has reached 18 years old, he will receive RM1500. Good for future education eh? Walaupon education cost of course lagik banyak dari tuh but saper nak bagi that amount of money kannn? One of the syarat to apply is umur anak tak boleh lebeh dari setahun. If any of you are interested with other syarat/ kriteria in details, go to their website at www.tawas.org.my.
After tunggu more than one month for the application to be processed, finally Qeeb received his first snail mail! Skali baca macam addressed to Adik Cheep plak hahaha. Tuh yang haru spelling nama nak dekat2.
Tadaaa Qeeb's first membership card. Tambah koleksi card lagik lah dalam my wallet :P