
Showing posts from August, 2011

Selamat Hari Merdeka Malaysia

Recently Qeeb tak suker pakai kasut. When this photo was taken, it was more than 10 attempts me and jeeb both try to sarungkan his kasut because everytime satu masuk satu lagik dah tertanggal.

Qeeb's Merdeka pose

Sampai bepeloh2 dibuatnyer, rambut i pon dah cam kene ribut. I have to tahan his kaki from trying to take off the shoes.

Qeeb's Merdeka pose

But he managed to freed himself anyway. Kaki yang berjaya merdeka dari jajahan kasut. Merdeka!

Qeeb's Merdeka pose

Selamat menyambut Hari Merdeka yang ke-54

Selamat Hari Raya 2011

Selamat Hari Raya 2011

Indah tutur kadang2 mengata, cantik bahasa kadang2 berpura, gurau senda kadang2 terluka, gerak laku kadang2 mengada, janji manis kadang2 terlupa, detik hati kadang2 prasangka.

Salah dan silap kelemahan dari saya. Ampun dan maaf jua dipinta. Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri. Maaf Zahir & Batin. Semoga bergembira disamping keluarga tercinta dan sentiasa dirahmati Allah.

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri

Menganyam Cube

Besok hari raya. Tapik hari ni i'm still working dengan harapan Co. akan release balik awal. While waiting for the announcement, i discovered Printsgram yang sangat cool & sesuai to kill the time! Connect your Instagram account, choose files with drag and drop feature and then Printsgram will create PDF file which you can print as much as you like! Osemmm kannn?!

My photo Cube in PDF. Can only print black and white lah right now. Wish I can print in color!

The photo cube result. Awww cuteness! Orang sibok anyam ketupat, aku menganyam cube -.-
Anyway my wish is granted! Dah dapat official email everyone can go home at 3pm. w00t!
Please be informed that the Management has approved for all Muslim staff on duty today to be released early at 03:00pm. Drive safe everyone and watch your waist!
Selamat Hari Raya everyone!

Blog Header

Lepas tgk few of my friends tukar blog template, trus rasa smangat nak buat blog header baru since dah almost a year tak tukar (which reminds me FB avatar pon dah staun tak tukar). Besides tukar header sonang ajer compared to tukar the whole blog template. Cuma tinggal rajin or maleh jer nak carik gambar to compose.

Since Blogger introduced 'Template Designer' mmg kacang sungguh nak maintain width, background to match with custom header and tukar color. Takyah nak buat hard code anymore sambil lap peloh. Dolu biler download free template jer nak kene adjust width dan yang swaktu dengannyer. Kalo tidak, hancoqlah my flickr account punyer standard size. Maka sejak last 2 years lah aku rajin tukar header, konon2 nyer ikot musim/event.

Customized love-panda cheep bagi few years back

Header lovey dovey baru lepas kawen

Composed our photos yang ada malaysia-theme mural painting sempena merdeka 2009

Header for bulan posa 2009

Header for Hari Raya 2009

Takde pape event pon in Nov 2009 but telebey rajin kot time tuh

Blog header during pregnancy period 2010

Sempena melangkah into parenthood October 2010. Used this header sampai lah August 2011!

Latest header for Raya and Merdeka 2011 with Qeeb on board :)

Notakaki: All my blog headers dah jadik cam chronology of events!

Qeeb Berendam

Qeeb berendam in his jacuzzi bathtub minus the foam.

Qeeb in Jacuzzi
Notakaki: strategic censoring apply

GLC July @ Simply Mel's

The July GLC meetup was in The Sphere again due to technical problem (literally) i was facing at the office. The original venue was Midvalley but tetiba kene standby kat opis maka dah sedey2 tak dapat join. But all of em being nice detour to my office area at the very last minute hehe. Lepas dapat green light to balik, trus rushed to join the gurls at a new restaurant, Simply Mel's yang baru je start business for 2 weeks.

Dinner@ Simply Mel's, The Sphere
Dinner@ Simply Mel's, The Sphere Dinner@ Simply Mel's, The Sphere

There's a wide range of melaka-portugis food. Ada menu banyak nama pelik2 which i'm curious to try but i opted for Laksa Melaka sbb nak cepat since everybody dah abes makan.

Dinner@ Simply Mel's, The Sphere

Dorang plak bz mengupdate the GLC book.

Dinner@ Simply Mel's, The Sphere

D siap buat homework in advance aper nak lukes and bawak source of reference. Sumer inspired nak buat camtuh jugak hahaha.

Dinner@ Simply Mel's, The Sphere

Amik gambar pueh2 since i missed the earlier camho session.

Dinner@ Simply Mel's, The Sphere

Kan bessss kalo sumer straw camni ghupe.

Dinner@ Simply Mel's, The Sphere

Kalo ada frame spec cute camni ada ke orang pakai? Ke mas jer yang sanggup hehe.

Dinner@ Simply Mel's, The Sphere

And then came the chef cum owner itself, Mel and greet us pleasantly. Can see that she loves to cook and jamu orang makan.

Dinner@ Simply Mel's, The Sphere

Because lepas tuh, she came out with stuffed crab and asked us to try her specialty dish. And it's complimentary hehe. The dish is new to me but i think lg puas makan dengan nasik kot sbb isik nyer sangat byk!

Dinner@ Simply Mel's, The Sphere

Muka hepi kak fara lepas abes update buku GLC.

Dinner@ Simply Mel's, The Sphere

5 muka yang berjaya datang that night.

Dinner@ Simply Mel's, The Sphere

Gambar blur but still nais.

Dinner@ Simply Mel's, The Sphere

Last snap with Jannah before balik.

Dinner@ Simply Mel's, The Sphere

Lunch @ Saisake Japanese Buffet

Few days before my departure frm C*smo, big boss ajak gi makan kat Saisake Japanese Buffet @ Wisma UOA. Iols pon amik kesempatan feeling2 tuh sempena farewell hahaha yelah kejer 3 bulan tak abes kenai sumer orang pon lagik, mana nak carik orang yang super baik ati nak organize and throw a farewell party kan?!

Lunch @ Saisake, Wisma UOA

It was my first time makan sini. The food was ok, but tak jumpe any dish yang i can say sedap giler. Pastuh plak dah lama tak makan buffet so perot cam kenot handle sumbat macam2 benda.

Lunch @ Saisake, Wisma UOA

Aaar yang duduk kiri tuh lar my exboss. Yang sblah dia zeti sales mgr. The two guys plak marketers yang carik international students. Sorang pak arab sorang lagik nigerian and both suker gado sbb rebut students. Scene yang takbes time lunch tuh, mamat blek ni ordered beer. Even my chinese boss pon jeling2 and ckp so inappropriate to drink during office hour. Tapik dia dah tuang dalam gelas nak halang cemana lagik yedak. Pastuh expect masuk dalam bill yang big boss akan bayar. Eeee x malu sungguh!

Lunch @ Saisake, Wisma UOA

I made a good friend with Zeti eventho for the first 3months she was working in Sban center and we only communicate thru fon and emails. Jumpa skali skala time center mgmt meeting. Lepas tuh she got promoted and datang KL*U. Indirectly i think i learned a lot from her.

Lunch @ Saisake, Wisma UOA

Group photo with big boss, ma boss and the sales team (except me). Skang sumer dah jadik ex-es.

Lunch @ Saisake, Wisma UOA

Bercamho before balik.

Lunch @ Saisake, Wisma UOA

Almost sumer stok adek2 nie....or maybe sumer. I can blend in kannn? takdelah nampak obvious tua sangat kan?

Lunch @ Saisake, Wisma UOA

Why it's fun to be a parent

I just learned that Qeeb dah pandai sebut Momma! At first i thought mamamamamam as in makan. But Jeeb pointed out dengan nada penoh jeles that Qeeb pronounced momma [pause] momma. Ohohoho sukernya sayer! Pandaiiii nie Naqeeb sebut mama first, just take your time to blajar sebut papa plak okay?! lol!

I smiled when i read through the list below, because i've experienced most of it :) And I love no. 34 the most! I love the warmth when 3 of us tido tangan and kaki berkris-kross. However most of the time Qeeb has to sleep in the cot kalo tak...abes saket sumer otot sbb tido sempit2 for long hours.

50 reasons why it's fun to be a parent
Source: BabyCenter

When your baby is crying at three in the morning or your toddler's just thrown his lunch all over your newly mopped floor, it's easy to forget the good bits about being a parent. To help you through the tough times, here's our round up of the things that make parenting fun. You can add your ideas, too, by scrolling down to the parents' tips box at the bottom of the page.

  • 1 Panicking because you've been given this newborn baby to take home and you haven't even got the manual - then realising how much fun it is learning on the job.
  • 2 Feeling a tiny fist curl around your finger when you touch his palm.
  • 3 Gazing into your baby's eyes and knowing he trusts you totally.
  • 4 Breathing in the best smell in the world: sleepy baby!
  • 5 Being amazed the first time you wrap him up in his blanket, put him against your shoulder, pat him gently and incredibly the yelling stops!
  • 6 Being the most tired you've ever been in your whole life - and the most happy.
  • 7 Sitting up in bed feeding your baby in the middle of the night, and knowing that all over the world other mothers are doing just the same.
  • 8 Watching your husband show his son or daughter off to all the visitors.
  • 9 Finding out, at your antenatal class reunion, that no one gets bored of birth story, no matter how many times you tell it.
  • 10 Overhearing your husband at a party talking earnestly about the best brand of nappy.
  • 11 Watching your baby's sleeping face and wondering what the future holds for him.
  • 12 Discovering how lovely the dawn chorus can be!
  • 13 Taking him out for the first time and discovering that everyone wants to stop and talk.
  • 14 Experiencing that amazing feeling of tenderness when your baby falls asleep in your arms.
  • 15 Buying that Batman costume/fairy princess tiara you always wanted (even though your baby is only one week old).
  • 16 Discovering how infectious a baby's giggles can be.
  • 17 Having someone to leave the family heirlooms to, even if they're only some love letters that baby's father once wrote to you and your grandmother's bedak sejuk tin box.
  • 18 Exchanging a smile with other pram-pushing mothers.
  • 19 Dreaming up fantastic food combinations for your baby: avocado and banana, chicken and grapes or sweet potato and broccoli.
  • 20 Laughing when your baby starts waving at everyone on the bus or in the supermarket.
  • 21 Discovering all the little characteristics that make your baby unique: fat toes, sticky-out ears, hair that sticks up no matter how much it's brushed.
  • 22 Taking millions of photographs, which you keep meaning to put into an album, but never quite get round to it.
  • 23 Developing a new family language as your toddler talks about scissoring the lawn or asks for a "bikkit."
  • 24 Having little pairs of pink ballerina shoes lined up in the hall and/or Thomas the Tank Engine underpants scattered on the floor.
  • 25 Knowing the right things to say and the best way to help when your friends have a baby.
  • 26 Watching Nenek and Yehyeh spoil their little treasure rotten.
  • 27 Joining in tactile toddler pleasures like squeezing playdough in your hands, scrunching through dried leaves or jumping in puddles.
  • 28 Discovering that he's inherited your love of music or his dad's interest in racing cars.
  • 29 Or, even better, discovering he has totally different talents, like dancing or painting - where did that come from?
  • 30 Waking up to a sloppy kiss from your toddler.
  • 31 Rediscovering the simple pleasures in life: brightly coloured flowers, the softness of a cat's fur or the feel of sand between your toes, with your little one.
  • 32 Getting used to being known as Hafiz's mum or Yee Lin's dad.
  • 33 Crying when you see a baby born on TV, understanding how mothers feel everywhere from Beijing to Belfast.
  • 34 Discovering the pleasures of three in a bed - even if you and your husband only have a few inches of space while your baby lies sideways across middle.
  • 35 Enjoying the chance to be really silly again - walking around quacking like a duck or sitting at the table wearing a bib and silly hat to encourage your baby to eat.
  • 36 Trying to answer those awkward questions: Do fish sleep? Why is the sky blue? How do cows have babies if they can't get married?
  • 37 Relishing the moment when he first says, "I love you, Mummy".
  • 38 Re-discovering how brilliant children's books are, even if you do sometimes have to "lose" the one he's wanted every night for the last three weeks!
  • 39 Having one big bubble bath together - and squabbling over who gets the end with the taps.
  • 40 Running up a quick cat costume out of a piece of string, an egg-box and an eyeliner pencil for a party.
  • 41 Multi-tasking: learning how to mix up a bowl of cake mix with one hand while you stick a plaster on a toddler's knee with the other, breastfeed a baby and phone your mum to ask her what she wants for her birthday.
  • 42 Discovering the world through your toddler's eyes: seeing him gaze at a caterpillar or stare transfixed into a rockpool.
  • 43 Making a whole new circle of friends, who just happen to be parents, too.
  • 44 Seeing your values - trying to be straight, kind, honest, hard-working and treat others like you'd like to be treated - rub off on him.
  • 45 Enjoying making up with a hug and kiss once a tantrum is over.
  • 46 Going to an animated film and no longer being the only unaccompanied adult in the queue!
  • 47 Finding out that bringing up children gives your life a new sense of focus.
  • 48 Crying when you drop him off at playgroup for the first time, then bursting with pride when you pick him up and realise he hasn't missed you at all.
  • 49 Keeping all his best artwork from playgroup and turning your kitchen into your own Tate Modern.
  • 50 Hearing your child say "mum" and wondering who that is, then realising - it's YOU!

Myra Camilia 1yo Birthday Party

My sis held a birthday party for July babies in the family (Abg Ayie, Adly and Myra). Center of attraction of course Myra who turned 1 yo :) Cute kan her birthday outfit siap ngan tutu! At 1yo, dia dah pandai jalan, dah tumbuh gigi, dah banyak words dia pandai cakap....mmg way advance compared to her brothers adly, didi and sis lily hehe. Pas tuh plak nama dia sorang jer lain when all her siblings nama sumer 'eee' kat blakang. Aaar nih kene tanya kakak cheq sendiri pasai pa pilih nama tuh :P

Birthday Myra 1yo

♥ Ada candy shop in the house! ♥

Birthday Myra 1yo

Pink and blue balloons ♥♥

Birthday Myra 1yo

Qeeb and Myra beza 3 bulan jer and he will join the 1yo wagon soon in October :)

Birthday Myra 1yo

Colorful ♥ lollies ♥ to take home.

Birthday Myra 1yo

And lots of other foodies and candies

Birthday Myra 1yo Birthday Myra 1yo
Birthday Myra 1yo Birthday Myra 1yo

Then comes the birthday cake

Birthday Myra 1yo

Myra in action nak potong cake.

Birthday Myra 1yo

Aaaannnd she got the chance to smash/ squish her birthday cake. Takde orang akan marah...guaranteed! lol!

Birthday Myra 1yo

Myra tgh mode cutting-a-cake-is-a-serious-job. Naqeeb plak muka curious hehehe.

Birthday Myra 1yo

Adly also celebrating his 13th birthday. Besoooo dah my nephew encem plak tuh a one proud achu! Dolu time kecik i kepit2 jer dia time bawak gi tgk movie or jenjalan...takot ilang. Skang dah lagik tinggi dari achu dia!

Birthday Myra 1yo

Dessert donashi. I love this mini cake tier!

Birthday Myra 1yo

Ice cream pon ada with lots of toppings

Birthday Myra 1yo

Qeeb and Myra chillax at the buaian. Got 2 volunteer babysitters here...aryssa and najiha.

Birthday Myra 1yo

Kene simpan gambar nie wat kenangan for her to tgk dah beso nanti :P Achu dukung myra time baby. Time flies kang kejap dia dah beso tak larat nak dukung dah.

Birthday Myra 1yo

While Qeeb time nih tak heran pon kene kidnap ngan chics cousins...pandai dia bawak diri hehe. Aku plak yang nak kene carik dia kat luar or biliks.

Birthday Myra 1yo

I also found out that Kak Ruby is expecting 5th child! So boy or girl? hehe.

Birthday Myra 1yo Birthday Myra 1yo
Birthday Myra 1yo Birthday Myra 1yo

I <3 birthday party!