
Showing posts from February, 2013

Ilyas's 1st Birthday Party

Last January, D invited us to her son Ilyas's 1st birthday bash in Melaka. It was an aqiqah cum birthday celebration. Honestly i jarang dapat attend kenduri/ majlis luar KL heheh. But since we're heading Melaka, so dapat lah join this one yeayyy! Check out the colorful candy bouquet yang D ordered from partycandy!

Ilyas's 1st Birthday 2013

Time sampai jer rumah D kat Alor Gajah, dorang tgh buat doa selamat. Dapat ler borak2 ngan kak fara kejap, then makan2. Lepas tuh we gathered to watch birthday boy potong cake weee! Cousin Ilyas pon ada birthday cake jugak so double celebration.

Ilyas's 1st Birthday 2013  Ilyas's 1st Birthday 2013

One happy family

Ilyas's 1st Birthday 2013

Close up on each candy bouquet

Ilyas's 1st Birthday 2013  Ilyas's 1st Birthday 2013

Ilyas's 1st Birthday 2013  Ilyas's 1st Birthday 2013

Sponge Bob and Dora birthday cakes + custom water bottle label.

Ilyas's 1st Birthday 2013  Ilyas's 1st Birthday 2013

Also gambar kitowang yang datang on that day, me and kak fara. Mas came but a bit later so tak sempat nak jumpe. Kalo dak sure lagik meriah group photo hehe. 

Ilyas's 1st Birthday 2013

Oh ya, recently Ilyas dah pandai jalan hehe. All the best to D and Poji lepas nie nak kejar Ilyas.

Chinese New Year 2013

Some photos during CNY visit to Pat Yee's house. My sis couldn't join this year because terkena food poisoning quite badly and had to be on standby in front of the toilet, poor thing. When we reached Mont Kiara, the lion dance performance was about to start. This time the lions were very friendly with the kids and i think they performed much better compared to last year.

Chinese New Year 2013

Free style carrying kids

Chinese New Year 2013  Chinese New Year 2013

Surprisingly Qeeb was into lion dance this year. When i gave red packet to the lion, we got an orange in return. And Qeeb was the one who took the orange from the lion's mouth! Berani pulak...because usually dia tak suker benda pelik2. Jeeb almost got a nice shot until this guy suddenly appeared in the frame -.-'

Chinese New Year 2013

Qeeb was thinking to return the orange to the lion. 

Chinese New Year 2013

Then we went upstairs. Had light refreshments and took more photos.

Chinese New Year 2013

With Karen and Caden.

Chinese New Year 2013

With Tai Ma, my eldest aunt.

Chinese New Year 2013

And also with Pat Yee and Uncle Wim. 

Chinese New Year 2013


Kiddos Night Out

Meet up with Ikin, Kusa & Mira last Jan at A&W, PJ before Ikin went back to Japan that week.

Kiddos Night Out

First time meeting Hiroki! He's such a cutie!

Kiddos Night Out

The three musketeers from left, Hiroki, Hamzah and Qeeb.

Kiddos Night Out

Sorang tertonggeng, sorang telentang. 

Kiddos Night Out

Hamzah with his shark hehe cute gila

Kiddos Night Out

New kids on the block

Kiddos Night Out

Here are the mommies

Kiddos Night Out

One pix before balik. Insya Allah jumpe lagik sometime in March :)

Kiddos Night Out

Anniversary Dinner

Hari tuh entry cukup syarat, today entry with few photos of our anniversary dinner at Ben's Bangsar. Actually tatau nak makan mana, nak avoid traffic jam and what not so we just went to Bangsar which is considered near to my office and chose a cafe.

Wedding Anniversary 2012

Took some photos while waiting for our food.

Wedding Anniversary 2012

Took more photos when our food were served. (Pakai baju kurung summore!)

Wedding Anniversary 2012

I ordered this...chicken aper tah tak ingat with 2 side dishes.

Wedding Anniversary 2012

Jeeb's order didn't come too fancy though. Lamb and one side dish.

Wedding Anniversary 2012  Wedding Anniversary 2012

And that is ALL hehe. Oh Jeeb sent me a bouquet of roses too! Hiks â™¥

Wedding Anniversary 2012

Nephew & Niece Birthday Celebrations

On 31st Dec, we had the last birthday celebration for 2012. Iman turned 10 years old and we celebrated kat rumah and potong cake. Satu cake strawberry marshmallow cheese from Secret Recipe and the other one is Baskin Robbin Celebration ice cream cake.

Birthday Iman 2012

The look and colors mmg mengancam. But one thing ice cream cake nih bikin kalut sbb cepat sangat melt.

Birthday Iman 2012

Irina waiting for the cake.

Birthday Iman 2012

Cut the cake...nyum nyum.

Birthday Iman 2012

2 days later on 2nd Jan 2013, we celebrated birthday Khairan plak who turned 13 years old. He also got 2 birthday cakes from Just Heavenly.

Birthday Khairan 2013

This one was chocolate banana, the taste memang sedap gila rich and moist!

Birthday Khairan 2013

This one was Khairan's favourite, Raspberry Gateau.

Birthday Khairan 2013