Qeeb was admitted due to mild pneumonia on Monday night. Ekceli dah considered as Tuesday pagi because when we reached the Ara Dsara Medical Centre (ADMC) it was already passed midnight. At first we went to DEMC because we were worried Qeeb's cough dah more than a week. Ubat klinik and 2 kali neb tak jalan so we were expecting the DEMC doc will prescribe antibiotics. But instead the doc said Qeeb dah kene pneumonia and need to be warded that night jugak. That made us panic. Unfortunately DEMC itself full house, so we called KPJ, Sunway, Salam etc....it was either dah penoh or first come first serve. Alhamdulillah ADMC returned Jeeb's call and asked us to reach the hospital before midnght. Banyak benda tak sempat nak pack properly because time tuh dah pukul 11.15pm. Had to distracted Qeeb with iPad because dia dah risau ada jarum, darah etc.
Took this photo on the last day we were there. Baru tau cemana rupa building time siang hehe
Qeeb was the 2nd patient there. Before him there was a little 1 year old girl. Who happened diagnosed with the same bacteria called mycoplasma like Qeeb after checkup. Time Qeeb nak masukkan drip sampai 5 orang kene pegang, tuh pon dah siap balut ngan towel to reduce his struggle. Then bawak gi xray nak amik gambar chest and after that neb for few minutes. Around 2.30am baru dapat masuk bilik and Qeeb was so tantrum because his hand ada drip and too sleepy.

In summary, Qeeb still hates nebulizer. Time dia tido paling senang nak bagi dia neb tapik biler mask tuh in slanting position banyak tumpah plak. Kalo time dia awake plak macam2 alasan dia bagi penat lah, lama sangat lah, banyak asap lah, masuk mata lah and also x duduk diam. On Tuesday evening, we changed to single bedroom after ada kekosongan. I need private space because i have to use toilet frequently, nak shower pon senang tak conscious, solat pon lapang kat bilik sendiri. Tuh pon after consideration of our own budget yang nak kene topup mana rate tak covered by insurance.
Very thoughtful of Ruth to send this gift all the way for Qeeb - a set of hot wheel cars & a card. MYC also sent over a bouquet of flowers with fruits and chocs with a get well card.
On Wednesday (Hari Malaysia) Qeeb was free from drip. Because dia dah takde fever and remaining shots of antibiotic di inject straight. Selera makan ada tapik kurang minom. His entertainment were game on iPad and netTV. Nih time muka boring.
On Thursday, Paed said Qeeb can be discharged! Syukur! So after breakfast i started to pack barang masuk bag, nurse came to cabut jarum, pharmacist came with berbotol2 ubat (pitammm nengok), officer from billing dept came with a bill. Alhamdulillah Allah permudahkan sumer urusan, the cost was fully covered by insurance and i did not have to top up anything because the room got corporate discount.
Time nak balik tuh we sat at the cafe downstairs to enjoy some freedom moment. My first caffeine for that week.
Baru tau kat mana the cafe. Hari tuh turun sendiri tak tau belah mana.
While Qeeb layan main his toys. Hope Qeeb recover well at home...at his own comfort.