
Showing posts from January, 2020

Mini Vader

There was this one time Zafeer was so into Vader's mask. Fight and talk like Vader summore. Siap soh record every time he was in action 😂

Mini Vader  Mini Vader

Qeeb's Quilling Homework

Slalu tgk the pro buat quilling art. Skali Qeeb punyer art homework kene buat, so this is the opportunity to try! Qeeb buat the sketch, decided on colors and we started rolling and rolling! Paling cepat make it loose. but if banyak sangat nanti nampak empty spots. So how we use utilize the loose one was kat edges sebab senang nak control the shapes.

Quilling  Quilling

The susun and tampal part was my favourite. While Qeeb bebel kenapa laa dia kene buat this kind of art tapik dia tekun jugak laa mengquill sbb kalau tak dia plak yang kene bebel.


Mid Valley and The Gardens CNY Decor 2020

The nearest and most frequent mall that i went to are Mid Valley and The Gardens. So naturally i will capture all their festive decor. The Gardens always classy.

CNY Decor @ The Gardens  CNY Decor @ The Gardens
CNY Decor @ The Gardens

Meanwhile Mid Valley are more fun and suitable for adults and kids. It was lego theme with a release of special edition CNY lego.

CNY Decor @ Mid Valley  CNY Decor @ Mid Valley
CNY Decor @ Mid Valley  CNY Decor @ Mid Valley
CNY Decor @ Mid Valley  CNY Decor @ Mid Valley

JomPAY Prize Giving Event @ The Farm Foodcraft, BS

Joined for makan2 once their event almost ended. Got photo booth and food of course!

JomPAY Prize Giving Event @ The Farm Foodcraft, BS

JomPAY Prize Giving Event @ The Farm Foodcraft, BS  JomPAY Prize Giving Event @ The Farm Foodcraft, BS

JomPAY Prize Giving Event @ The Farm Foodcraft, BS  JomPAY Prize Giving Event @ The Farm Foodcraft, BS

Group photo with the event committee

JomPAY Prize Giving Event @ The Farm Foodcraft, BS

Photo ops

JomPAY Prize Giving Event @ The Farm Foodcraft, BS  JomPAY Prize Giving Event @ The Farm Foodcraft, BS

Lunch @ Santan

The box

Lunch @ Santan, T&Co, Mid Valley

The quantity of food x price! This one totally not worth it at all

Lunch @ Santan, T&Co, Mid Valley

They have yee sang promo too

Lunch @ Santan, T&Co, Mid Valley 

December-January Birthday Babies @ WIP, BSC

December means holidays for most of us because of the freeze period (if you know you know) plus no other December babies. So we celebrated together with January babies and this time they chose WIP in BSC.

Birthday lunch at WIP, BSC

This walkway mmg onz sangat! The lighting, the shape (of surfboard?). and their signature on the left.

Birthday lunch at WIP, BSC  Birthday lunch at WIP, BSC

I've ordered steak and the rest were my neighbour's food. 

Birthday lunch at WIP, BSC  Birthday lunch at WIP, BSC
Birthday lunch at WIP, BSC  Birthday lunch at WIP, BSC

The special cake with our names on it and artsy sugar!

Birthday lunch at WIP, BSC

Ariff - Karen - Abu - Me ❤️

Birthday lunch at WIP, BSC  Birthday lunch at WIP, BSC
Birthday lunch at WIP, BSC  Birthday lunch at WIP, BSC

The photographers x models

Birthday lunch at WIP, BSC  Birthday lunch at WIP, BSC

You guys are awesome inside and outside! Literally ;)

Birthday lunch at WIP, BSC  Birthday lunch at WIP, BSC

Thanks guys for taking your time to have lunch together and the lunch treat

Birthday lunch at WIP, BSC

CNY Money Packet CCBM

I thought it was a chocolate box at first. Cool gila this set because of the packaging and the continuation of the illustration from each packet to another. 

CNY Lunch @ In Colonial, The Intermark

Plus the graphics kena ngan the ikan koi

CNY Lunch @ In Colonial, The Intermark

CNY Lunch @ In Colonial, The Intermark

Had scrumptious lunch with BOCM team after the meeting - yee sang and loads of other food. Cumanyer time tuh restaurant was slow in serving us soo lama jugak la we had to wait for each dish.

CNY Lunch @ In Colonial, The Intermark
CNY Lunch @ In Colonial, The Intermark  CNY Lunch @ In Colonial, The Intermark
CNY Lunch @ In Colonial, The Intermark  CNY Lunch @ In Colonial, The Intermark
CNY Lunch @ In Colonial, The Intermark  CNY Lunch @ In Colonial, The Intermark


CNY Lunch @ In Colonial, The Intermark

Tak sempat nak grab coffee at Paul because we were rushing back to the office. But we got layers of Ferrero Rocher chocs! Nyumss!

CNY Lunch @ In Colonial, The Intermark  CNY Lunch @ In Colonial, The Intermark