
Showing posts from January, 2003

Stained Glass Studio

I worked in the Stained Glass Studio for 2 weeks now. Practically I worked with diamonds. Haha...since only diamond can cut glass. Some glass rules. If you could just notice...somewhere on the cutter...hmmm.

Rob + k.Eta taught me to cut the glass. But I hate it, always end up cutting in the wrong direction...and then there's grinding machine bunyi cam parut kelapa. This part is kinda ok but could easily cut yourself on the finger.

This is where I always come in. Foiling. The most easiest. I still look at all finished foiled glasses with same feeling till now...chocolate bars. Especially pieces yang darkĀ² color. Ringan jer tangan nak amik makan...

Etching process. Enjoy doing this very much. Tacky but beautiful results.

The almost whole process will turns out like this. Nice eh!

And oh...I also fold boxes. Cam minah kilang pon ader. Lurve this a.e.i.o.u boxes!

Wokey wishing everybadeh Happy Chinese New Year. Kong Hei Fatt Choy. Have a prosperous year. Craving for yee sang now...hope they have a box reserved for me. And make a wish...a bf? Heheh...*wink*

I got the job!

Mr Jalil from Pintar Media called me... and I got the job! Graphic Designer. Ptthhh....felt quite bad turning down my first job. Menolak tuah ker aku nie? tsk tsk. I could probably start working this Monday. Meet other staff...yang sumer ensemĀ² blako. Having lunch at Gazebo. Might be driving my new car. Yeah yeah....yeh rite. Looks like i'm stuck with Stained Glass Studio at the moment. Foil the pieces sampai juling bijik mata.
Happy Burfday to Irma Jasmin, Zetty Izani, Kak Sofea and comin up Yulie! All the January gurls. Hahaha.

Interview experience

The interview was ok. 30 minutes writing test and 40 minutes interview. The company, Pintar Media is doing project for Kementerian Pendidikan. Science syllabus for standard 1 and Form 1 students. A totally hardcore Flash! Image tracing and texture, everything uses Flash.

Heā€™s willing to give the opportunity, but then doubts crossed my face when he said havta work 7 days a week till night. And no overtime charge. O oh! My brain calculated like krayzee. If I get a car as promised from Bapak, RM400 per month, tol and gas RM300 per month, and rental if I moved to Subang Jaya. Too much. If I got the job I have to turned it down, and if I donā€™t itā€™s a swell experience.

During the test thereā€™s this one question CMYK. Cyan Magenta Yellow and what? I sms wawa she also have no idea what color is K for. I sms Inot she said ntah gak. Hampeh tol! When I said Iā€™m doing a test then she go for all the trouble to find outā€¦with all her officemate. Hahaha! It turns outā€¦Black. Who wouldā€™ve remember? Thanx a lot Inot! In the waiting room Iā€™ve met Feisal. He came for 2nd interview. He then waited for me downstairs nak ajak minum. I gotta go so he asked for my e-mail. Fine larā€¦then mintak for phone number plak. Arghhh serabut.

First job interview

My first job interview today at Subang Square! Erghh I hate interview. U sit there and let a couple of peeps shoot you tons of questions and judge you. But thatā€™s how it works. *sigh*. The place is quite far but looks niceā€¦went there last nite to check out the route. Tol pegi balik RM6. Unbelievable.

Okay letā€™s see factoids on how to give a good impression in the first 3 minutes. Shove this to the brain. Like people say first impression always count.

1. Dress up neat (iron what need to be ironed) and wear whatā€™s appropriate for the ocassion or venue.
2. Donā€™t overdo the makeup or compensate a lack of personality with flashy accessories.
3. Look friendly with a ready smile.
4. Always have a firm handshake. Donā€™t offer a dead fish for a hand or crush the other personā€™s bones with a death grip.
5. Posture is important. Donā€™t slouch but donā€™t look like you are tied to a tree either.
6. Look people in the eye when you speak.
7. Be yourself and believe in yourself, because confidence shows.


yadda yadda! testing? where all the entries go?

Rob brought up an issue dat all Malay woman always get pregnant after 2 months of marriage. He said itā€™s the culture, the woman felt an obligation to get pregnant as soon after married. Is this true? No...well yeah maybe to some but I disagree on the culture part. Izzit when half of population have a same opinion and practice it, itā€™s called culture.

He pointed out that Malay woman thinks dat having kids is going to secure the marriage. Itā€™s not! Not when you just got married. Why rush? This also apply to the partner. No family or financial planning. They even compete with friends who have the most kids. And the rival sentence is like ā€œlaaaā€¦anak ko dua jer?ā€

He just laughed and laughed and shake his head bout this whole culture thing. Aku tampo jugak mamat ni kang! Later, his Malay parent-in law gave a surprise visit to the studio and he looked so dumbfounded. Hmmā€¦thatā€™s just add up Malay Culture who likes to pay a visit without informing the host. Har har harā€¦izznit fun?
This hosting is offering forum space...@ the end of the url. Which is quite nice. But still have no idea what to do with it yet. Leave it there. >>

Wew...use perl tuh! Hate perl. Gives me headache. Ingat lagik class Razak Samingan aka Ajai. Forced everyone to use Perl in last project. Score like shit :P. Why he did dat? Because he hates PHP (ekceli don't know much bout PHP...he admit it) or because he so damn good in Perl? Hahah aper pon itu sumer kenangan. But TQ for gave me an A! Wuhuuu :D
Went to Midvalley to watch the a2dc cast. Wohooo itā€™s all worth it. Nicholas Saputra makes his grand appearance with a blush. Oh migoshā€¦lurve guy with long hair. Most of the pix blur since I jumped in frantic with wiggly hands like krayzee. And thereā€™s Dian. Sheā€™s a beauty on screen and real lifeā€¦no doubt bout that. Managed to snap 10 shots. Tolak yang blur, haiyooo.

Time tgh xtreme sempat la plak jejak kasih. Hernie from Bandaraya and canā€™t-remember-her-name from TIKL. Both went to UIA. And then bumped into Lisa and bf. And Mincus with his group. Fizut and bf Gman. Oh yessā€¦


Guess datā€™s it, mission accomplished. Iā€™m grinning achingly rite nowā€¦mushy mushy! View Dian and Nico here.

Unidentified Fingerprints

Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara @ BTR or anywhere is sucks. The service is damn slow. Came at 8.00 in the morning to get the frigging limited number. Wait 3 hours till they announce the number. And what you get is a very unfriendly faces from the person behind the counter whoā€™s ready to snap you off.

What? You donā€™t like your job? We donā€™t like waiting in this small room for hours with no air-condition! No toilet, not enuff seats. Screaming kids, old people trembling. I read the news sometimes ago that the government are going to make an exception to the old ones. They donā€™t have to queue. What happen to that?

Oh well the things is I donā€™t have fingerprints on the right thumb! Erm the identifier canā€™t capture anylines. Heheh unbelievable! Seriously my right thumb is totally screwed by some sort of soap-allergy. That man was speechless. Oh ohā€¦does that mean no Smart Card? The best solution he could offer is to xerox the old IC coz the fingerprints looks ā€˜normalā€™ back then.

Accompanied Adly to Q-Dees. Second day at school. Havta stay with case dia naik sheikh! Nana has to go to cafe. Soo...there I was being the great Aunt aka Acu. Dia panik aku pon panik takut dia melalak. Nak greet Good Morning Teacher pon cam nak bertabur air mata. Wakakaka...surely his stomach churning! I know that feeling. Glad the school days are over! :D
Went to TIKL today to certified all the certs. Dekat, senang, tapik malu. Heheh...quite a long time didn't set my footstep there. New building, new hall. Lama dah sumer nie tp tgk dari luar jerla...tiapĀ² ari lalu stu.

Havta see KetuaĀ² Bidang who only happens to be there was En. Annamalai. Hmm...wish to see Pn Faridah, Mr. Poh ker...but didn't catch their glimpse. Bilik Guru panjang sangat...segan nak masuk. Pttthhh!

Kinda hate that skool ekceli. Borrring! The sports day sucks, the clubs yucks, the environment...ergh. Ttabley buat tuh tabley buat nie...yadda yadda. But the rest is the friends I make there in two years time.
Synthetic Unit Limited to Infiltration and Zealous Assassination

People who are always green with envy is sick. What goes on in the heads of such people when they deliberately seek out to perpetrate their acts of pure evil? Sometimes, perhaps the only way to make such people realize the evil of their intent is to make them experience what they perpetrate on others. At times the shock value of such punishments would get the desired effects kalo dah berbuihĀ² mulut cakap tapik tak retiĀ² bahasa.

What could be worseā€¦is worst if they didnā€™t realize their mistakes. Blaming other people for their loss. Itā€™s always everybodyā€™s fault, never theirs. Fuck all this people.

Pix at Ihsan's open house uploaded.
3 years is exactly the day Mom left us. 8.20 a.m...I lost her forever. Daripada Allah kita datang, kepada-Nya kita kembali. Al-Fatihah.

Love always.

Happy New Year. Azam aku tahun nie ialah mencari azam. hehehe...Good Health, Joy and Fatt Choy :D