Day 1 @ Cameron (11/4/2008)Arrived safely at Tanah Rata, Cameron Highland. Raining here and there but we managed to reach there before dark. Pehtu straight gi carik umah Z*lman...perfecto! His house ada 3 bedrooms, fully equipped kitchen and Astro! muahaha tada lah busan sangat biler malam. And then hit the road to find place for dinner. Malam tuh end up 4 of us bunk in kat living room watching TV and playing UNO

Day 2 @ Cameron (12/4/2008)2nd day we went to Tea Plantation @ Sg Palas. It looks different compared to the last time i went. Bau baja fresh mmg kuat gila, but the scenery is soo relaxing, so i dun mind sticking around for few hours.

Pehtu singgah Cactus Valley. Bought alfalfa and polka dot pot to go with it.

Petang singgah Strawberry farm. And then pegi pasar malam again for last round of shopping. Mmg worth it beli kat pasar malam rather than beli kat farm especially when its raining heavily...lelong gila! sbb orang extreme je yang sanggup basah smata nak beli veges and flowers hahaha.

For dinner, we tried steamboat near Tanah Rata. RM26 for 2 pax is more than enuff...makan sampai bloated. Dat night nak bawak masuk bunga Harum Sundal Malam masuk umah kinda cuak...sbb manjang wangey huhu. Pehtu watched AF sambil makan cendawan goreng (fried mushroom) yang Shara masak. Sodapppnyer! Kalo beli kat stall...erghh musti manis tuh yang siap pegi carik tepung beras kat sana hehe. Tingat cendawan goreng Pak Ali JB :)
Day 3 @ Cameron (13/4/2008)3rd day load barang masuk keta. Giler fully loaded. Sampai sacrifice tempat letak kaki...sumer sanggup bersila. Singgah at Bharat tea plantation for last photo session hikss :D Balik ikot jalan kampung singgah beli buah. Around 6pm sampai umah after drop yang len len. Tada kunci umah lah plak terpaksa tunggu my sis balik from outing. Siap tertido2 dalam keta. Kol 8.30 jumpe
Cheepster yang baru sampai from Mekah :)