The famous topic

3 different peeps and scenarios but same topic

xxx: dengar ari tuh eksiden, tak pape ke?
me: ok, saket kene steering sket
xxx: ada isik ker?
me: isik perot sumernye ok

me: happy besday xxx!
xxx: tq, ko dah ada good news?
me: ...

me: arghh! i think i'm gonna be sick
xxx: ehemmm, dah ada pape ke?
me: gawd!

i know orang mmg akan tanya, expected dah pon but puhleaseee lah tukar lah format soklan. why not say something like 'biler ko dah ada baby nanti aku nak ajak ko gi gym sesama!' or maybe 'tak sabarnyer nak tunggu ko ada baby aku nak belikan dia all those cute baby stuff' hahaha melampau...but something like dat lah. i'm only 4 months married dah sebakul soklan sama, kalo dah staun and lom ada baby lagik? unnecessary stress okeh! of course we want to have our own family, we plan but Allah yang tentukan. it's not always easy for everyone rite? so kengkadang be careful what you ask because you might hurt your friend's feeling.

just like once upon a time ago, orang dok tanya biler nak kawen biler nak kawen. cemana nak jawab kalo tada calon aper tah lagik wedding date? biler dah ada, aku antar lah kad jemputan. and now kalo orang tanya biler nak ada baby, takkan konpiden nak jawab taun depan bulan 11 deliver. hapa kejadahnyer hahaha. insya Allah ada rezeki nanti i'll be more than happy to share and announce the good news in this blog.

oh ya biler aku ngomel camnie ada dah template answer "biasalah tuh before kawen orang dok tanya bile nak kawen, biler dah kawen sibok tanya biler nak ada anak, biler dah ada anak, tanya plak biler nak tambah anak." kan? kan? kan?

Notakaki: Testimoni Bes ke kahwin?


  1. hah! the never ending questions!! bila dah ada anak nanti, mereka akan tanya soulie, " bila nak ada lagi sorang?"

  2. that is soo true! the never ending questions

  3. Yeah, totally agree with this post :) I am pretty sure others feel this way too.

  4. kdg2 kan org mcm tak pk bende2 si ple ni bleh wat kite terasa (just imagine kitorg 2 tahun kene jawab soalan sama)... cthnya smlm aku pi klinik, i was quite surprise tgk sorg baby ni 'kecik je, kuning muka dia' tapi aku tak smpai hati nk tanya.. nenek dia tetiba ckp budak ni dh 6 bulan (physical cam 2 bulan!).. aku rasa sayu tgk.. then, paling sedih dia pakai pacifier tapi kene cecah madu.. mama dia pun muka pasrah je. takmo ckp pasal budak tu tapi dok ckp anak dia yg lagi satu (sebaya ff kot) aktif tu ini.. maybe dia takmo share kesedihan dia. baby tu pandang aku tepat kat muka seolah2 ckp 'pls aunty, dont say any words regarding my condition'...
    so people, next time nk bukak mulut make sure pk 10 kali... (emo lak aku pagi2..)

  5. me too!

    usually i tolerate je when ppl say things like this, sebab mmg dah expected dah. but bila the same person tanya every time we meet (like, once in every 2-3 weeks), rasa cam nak cakap je "wei give me a break la, we're trying as hard as we can, but its not in our hands". and yeah... it can get really disheartening la... very insensitive la all this people.

    so yes... i'm with you!

  6. Yeah, its stressful to hear the same thing over and over again, even as a couple.

  7. Takde orang pun nak tanya question camtu to me? :(

  8. Ko nak mengandung ke Yunus (shuvit)?

  9. I'm just wondering though, kenapa orang sibuk nak tau bila kita pregnant ke or expecting ke? What do they get?

    Like they asked "Any good news?" and you say "Yeah! We're expecting!" what the hell do they do? What's in it for them? Fine, for family members, you get a niece/nephew/etc. For others? Haha sorry I don't get it. Hehe :P

  10. Soul, baca neh member aku tulis .. :-)

  11. yulie: sedey lak aku baca cite ko tuh

    ikin: i think they're curious if you're fertile onot

    mira: biler the same person tanya again and again tuh mmg tahap annoying gila

    bem69: agreed!

    shuvit: awww! any good news shuvit?

    izrur: hahaha lol!

    k.fara: good points dalam entry dia! laser abes hahaha

  12. ditto la sol. tapi macam biasa, aku akan jawab sepositif mungkin. sebab kita cakap tu pun satu doa. mana tau Allah akan kabulkan.


    1. masa aku single, kalau orang tanya bila aku nak kawin, aku jawab ;"bulan lapan kot, insyaallah."

    then dorang tanya lagi;"ye ke? dgn sapa? buat kat mana blablablabla"

    aku cakap; "plan je bulan 8, tapi tahun tak tahu lagi. doakan je la ye"

    kebetulan aku kawin pulak bulan lapan. huhu.

    2. skang, aku dah kawin, bila orang tanya dah berisi/bila nak preg/ jgn tunggu lama2, standard dialogs aku adalah;

    -bulan depan ada la tu insyaallah
    -kitorang tgh cuba sedaya upaya la ni
    -tunggu weekend ni la nak buat (yang ni kompem org takkan tanya balik sebab agak grafik. hahahaha)

  13. zaza: hahaha good one zaza! leh aku pinjam statement ko pas nie. and yeah i should try to answer positively

    mas: menjawab soklan ko biler aku bajet nk buat anak is tiap2 malam aku nak try buat! hahahahaha grafik tak grafik tuh?!


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