Cheep's Birthday 2010
We celebrated Cheep's birthday earlier this month. Here are some of the pixies during his special day. First we planned to makan at Sushi King at Subang Parade because there's this new promo japanese curry but it was full and the best seat we can get is at the bar. So we hopped to TGIF...pon penoh jugak. Tempat yang ada was smoking section, sigh. We settled down at Swensen instead.

Time nih Cheep dah start demam. Shian besday boy nak enjoy his birthday pon lomah longlai. Balik umah dia trus tidoq. But i already made a plan with SIL to surprise him with birthday cake. So, since he's already asleep getting him to turun when it's midnite is a different story hehe. I guess by the time dia dah fully awake and annoyed tuh dia dah tau kot, because i made up really lame excuses :P
Baca doa and blow the candles :)
Here we were celebrating Cheep's birthday with a cake and panadol ^.^
Family dinner was a week later. We went to Chilis at BSC and makan sampai takmau. Dok rasa orang lain punyer sini sket sana sket in the end i can't finish my own meal thehehe. Tapau lah aper lagik sbb cam tak luak langsung.Tak amik banyak gambar pon kat sini because busy makan. But gambar yang ada si Cheep mata half pejam pulak.
This is how Simon Yam makan beger besaq muahaha!