Moving Forward
I'm waiting for this month's salary from 2 companies. If only the amount x2 ;)
I just doa takde problem yang buat the payment delay. I need my gaji asap! Approx 4 months ago, I decided to change my job. So I joined Cosmo. There are similarity or something that I can relate from the previous job but the position title was totally different and perspective orang pon different. I kinda hate that. The tasks were ok and manageable but the only setback was I can't handle my boss's emo. I don't like the feeling datang opis tgk muka orang yg bagi instruction to me with a stress face and marah staff cam kat skolah with all the negative remarks. So I really HATE that! Plus few other things that I don't feel the company manage it right. Ada jugak nyesal i turned down another offer that came serentak ngan Cosmo. Oh well!
Alhamdulillah datang pulak rezeki lain, when i was busy to start job hunting tetiba my ex-pm text me whether i'm interested to fill a position in her company she's working with right now. So after attended 2 interview, I got the offer ^.^ Even though I was contemplating at first but I know I want the job! The new company have bigger challenge of course, but at least I know i can gain more knowledge and it comes with better benefits too!
Cosmo was the most shortest working period company I ever been with. 3 bulan setengah + trauma! Eh wait, dolu kejer kat Big Mug cafe as waitress for few days pon tak trauma camnie tawww!
Notakaki: 2011 merasa kejer kat 3 company. What a mildstone.
KOSMO= Ko Sokmo eMO --> hanya seswai utk boss ko haha. oops sorry, ex-boss.
ReplyDeleteall the best kat me*s. yep, win some lose some .. ada benda kita leh tolarate tapi kalau dah takleh tolerate (jeling KO S MO) better blah jek daripada makan hati .. ekeke
hahaha good one la kak fara! kosokmoemo...leh jadik tagline.
ReplyDeleteredha aper yang ada no matter what happened. kalo ada rezeki lagik baik....mmg syukur sangat :)
huh! dasattt tukar keje lagi.. aku ingat mcm nk sign contract la dgn kompeni lama aku ni.. sbb bleh sukati2 wfh n dtg lewat.. kalau masuk kompeni baru kompem kene buang keje :P
ReplyDeleteyulie, aku rasa tayah sign contract ko mmg dah kene bond forever hahaha. kalo ko nak benti pon sure dorang x bagi!