
Showing posts from April, 2012

Cameron Highland Day 2

Sambung balik entry pegi Cameron hehehe. Banyak details dah terlupa ekceli...nih lar padahnyer delay tulis belog. Pepagi tuh dah siap packing because we planned to check out right after breakfast. But we reserved sket time nak balik bilik in case nak yayak at our comfort kih kih kih. The breakfast was ok but i couldn't really enjoy my food because Qeeb turned into picky-eater mode. So my breakfast was full of 'spitting' >.< Two shitty waiters from the late night drama pon ada.

Cameron Highland 2012  Cameron Highland 2012
Cameron Highland 2012

Lepas tuh checked out from the hotel around 9-ish. Sayangggg rasanyer nak kuar from the bilik hehe. Actually dah terlambat time nie because we were supposed to go to Old Smoke House jumpe mas and jannah kat sana. So D and Poji went there to meet up with them. While Shara went straight to Boh Sg. Palas so that she can booked table for everyone. While me, kak fara and kak moji leaved the hotel together and we decided to skip Old Smoke House sbb nak kejar masa. Sian kak fara tunggu lama...but mmg salut ah anak2 dia sumer morning person. Nih gambar somewhere in front of the sangat cun time nie! And the background wallaaaa cam feeling kat overseas hehehe.

Cameron Highland 2012

The pine trees, shadow and weather mmg create mood yang sangat wonderful!

Cameron Highland 2012

Macam carrying a toy in real life toddler size.

Cameron Highland 2012

Alhamdulillah we survived the narrow route nak naik sg. Palas and our car maintained steady hins! ! Biler ada keta bertembung kitowang relax jer sbb if keta D lepas keta kitowang sure lepas. Biler keta kak moji and kak fara lepas...konpem kitowang punyer lagik lah banyak space nak go through hahaha. Once dah sampai sana, sib baik still ada lagik ample parking space. Cumanyer nak kene menapak naik bukit tuh yang maleh tuh hahaha. The previous trip lalu jalan celah2 pokok teh sbb nampak lagik dekat but by the time sampai atas kepala lutut dah longgar and hidong dah kembang kempis! So this time mmg i opt for normal road which is lagik senang and of course sbb nak tolak stroller as well.

Cameron Highland 2012

Time nih Qeeb tgh hang out with Mas and Jannah. The day before pon they had fun together hehe so no hal lah tinggalkan dia kejap. While dia tgh distracted me and Jeeb BIZI amik gambar gilir2.

Cameron Highland 2012

Qeeb and Aqil in front of the famous entrance.

Cameron Highland 2012

Dua aunties yang setia nak agah Qeeb to smile time amik gambar hahaha.

Cameron Highland 2012

One family photo at Boh Sg. Palas.

Cameron Highland 2012

Then baru kitowang masuk the cafe area to enjoy more beautiful view. Spotted Shara and the rest yang dah start duduk and makan (again?). Shara managed to secure 2 tables at strategic place! Osemness! Dah sampai sini kena lah pekene teh and scones <3

Cameron Highland 2012

Test amik gambar speed cepat. Patot tuang trus sugar dalam mug but terpaksa filter ngan sudu dolu buatnyer gambar tak jadik, my tea dah manis giler. Ok jugak gambar nie...sbb ada my reflection skali hehe :P

Cameron Highland 2012

Memang mood nak menulis buku GLC time nie. BUT time tak permit so it's better to enjoy and memorize what's in front of me first....the environment, the mood, keletah friends and kids, tgk orang makan aper, amik gambar etc.

Cameron Highland 2012

We also have tons of presents to giveaway for everyone. Refer here to pressies category where i went over excited to buy something for every one with the cash we collected. Tambah lagik ngan exchange presents and Jannah also sponsor frames for the guys. Refer here to prizes we received and unwrapped :)

Cameron Highland 2012

Ada contest jugak as planned but we changed sket instead of blakon teka2, jeeb jadik bidan terjun tukang lukis and the rest teka. 2 of the winners were Idlan (anak kak fara) yang berjaya teka spiderman and Shara teka titanic ^.^ Comel jer gambar nie Jeeb surrounded by his little 'fans' hehe

Cameron Highland 2012

Lepas agak puas conquered the two tables for quite some time baru lah we wrapped up and kasik peluang kat orang lain plak nak duduk situ. Group photos in front of the entrance again hehe. Nak amik gambar with everyone in the frame is not easy lol! Sib baik sumer relax menunggu :)

Cameron Highland 2012

And also with tea plantation background. Too bad tak dapat amik gambar with the WHOLE family including the husbands. Tripod takde and we were in such a hurry to pegi visit anak zaza kat hospital. Takot terlepas visiting time.

Cameron Highland 2012

Time kitowang turun Sg. Palas, humang aih the traffic jam yang nak naik tuh seriously teruk. Sib baik lah kitowang pegi awal pagi! Kalo tak, maunyer skip agenda. Sangkut kat KEA farm lama gak because banyak bus yang block jalan. Maka terbantut jugak lah earlier plan nak beli sayur/ bunga/ and exit simpang pulai highway. Biler sampai hospital Cameron, rasa cam bit weird sbb takde orang langsung...empty car park except for our cars. Masuk dalam pon still takde abandon hospital gitu. Dah masuk paed ward baru lahhh nampak nurses! I think me and kak fara did ekceli tarik napas lega biler nampak keujudan hospital staff kah kah!

FINALLY aku dapat jumpe zaza sbb dari first day sampai Cameron tak penah bumped into her lagik. Syiannn safiyya kene warded. But alhamdulillah she's recovering very well and they were discharged the next day.

Cameron Highland 2012

Then it was time to go. Here is everyone in front of Cameron Highland Hospital, YAY! Saper sangka kat sini baru kitowang dapat gambar sumer ahli GLC hahaha.

Cameron Highland 2012

After that salam2 muah2 and masing2 gerak ikot destinasi. Ada yang nak pegi makan dolu, sambung shopping, shara continue her holiday at Cameron for another 2 days. Since exit simpang pulai jam, we had no choice to guna jalan Tapah again. We had a quick stop at Lata Iskandar waterfall. Jeeb took some photos then we continue turun pusing2 sampai masuk highway. Mood trus dropped biler tgk crawling traffic almost every check point! Pelik giler that weekend jam sangat because it was not even school holiday. Sampai umah around 8.30 instead of our target to reach home before maghrib. Lucky thing was Qeeb behaved dalam keta wpon dia fully awake lepas kitowang stop makan kat R&R and Jeeb was an excellent driver as always :)

Thank you to all GLCs for the gathering!!! I lebiuols! Respect sbb masing2 in jolly mood throughout the trip wpon time management menyimpang ke laut. Also to the guys yang sabar melayan, go with the flow and tolong jadik photographer hehe. Respect jugak kat zaza & husband yang maintain ceria and positive wpon her trip to Cameron turned to 3D2N stay at hospital. Special thanks to Mas and Jannah sbb tolong jadik babysitter hehe. Sooo definitely we are going to plan another trip in the future, insya Allah!

Qeeb at 18 months

Almost 18 months already? Where does a year and a half go? Well most of it goes into cuddles, love and staring at this amazing lovable little creature! Here is Qeeb's look at 1.5 years old. We let his hair grow panjang sket soo this is the result. Before nih serious tatau nak buat hairstyle cemana, lol! When he's running the fringe will go bouncy2! â™¥

Qeeb 1.5 years
Pix credit to thanty Mas

He can balance almost perfectly...jalan cam mabuk2 tuh still ada lagi jugaklah sket2. So now he's in the phase of running around and climbing the stairs. No more Frankenstein walk :( He's also learning few words.
  • Oak Wahhhh (Tok Wan)
  • Cit-cak (Cicak)
  • Pou-wer (Flower)
  • Vroom vroom (ajak naik keta)
  • Thar (Car)
  • Thanty (Auntie)
His favorite song is Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. And the only part yang he can sing along is "uppa bef world highhhhhhhhhhhhh" sukati jer lah nak skip2 lyric. His favorite going to bed song is "Go to Sleep". Nak tau lyric dia cemana? Kodi sket ah lyric dia but this is the only song yang i can easily memorized :P
Go to sleep my sweet little brother Naqeeb (changed to Qeeb's name lah)
Drink your milk and just close your eyes
Mommy's upstairs baking you cake
Daddy's with her chocolaty mix
Qeeb 1.5 years
Pix credit to thanty Mas

Qeeb dah pandai salam cium tangan, yang buat me cair is bile hulur tangan he practically pull and make a sound 'hmmm' time cium tangan. Lepas baca doa dia amin, but nih ikot mood because sometimes baru sebut bismillah dah amin tak menyempat T__T, time nak tido suker masukkan his small fingers dalam my lobang hidong and tak suke minom pakai straw. When we said posing or smile with camera in front of him, he will lean sideways and give a sexy killer look (more like scary look actually) tahpapentah posing hahaha. Kalo nak citer lagik mmg konpem panjang lebar. But im blessed that i have all the rights to cuddle and mamam pipi this little guy sampai dia rimas muehehehe! 

Be good my dearest Naqeeb, be healthy, be smart and may Allah protect you from any harm out there. Insya Allah. 

Cameron Highland Day 1 (p.m)

Petang sabtu tuh kitowang pegi Pasar Malam Tanah Rata. Keta banyak so parking pon susahler. But after 4 kali pusing we managed to park dekat ngan pintu gerbang. Rezeki :) Started to explore the pasar malam carik pape benda yang boleh di beli.

Cameron Highland 2012

Somehow i have a memory of mom used to buy me sweet potatoes from stalls kat area kotaraya dolu2. I'm not sure but seriously rasa cam penah makan sweet potatoes campor asap bus keliling while waiting for our ride to go to Kepong. Nak kene ask my sister lah if she remembered this.

Cameron Highland 2012

According to Jeeb this was his kind of pasar malam because dia tak bepeloh in spite of many people and berasap2 peniaga tgh masak. Lol! He never like pasar malam because of this reason tuh yang susah nak ajak dia gi pasar malam. Yang kenal dia jer tau cemana tahap peloh dia can be like hehe.

Cameron Highland 2012

Bought some dried strawberries and peria. Geram jer nak beli food yang dorang masak kat situ i.e nasik ayam, ayam goreng, corn etc. But malam dah nak dinner steamboat kang kenyang pulak. So ignore je lah the thoughts.

Cameron Highland 2012

But we bought jugak few side food cam cream puff, fried mushroom. Also few packs of fresh strawberries in case tak sempat nak beli the next day, which i'm thankful that i bought it! Because the next day takde chance to shop at all because of time constraint and traffic jam.

Cameron Highland 2012  Cameron Highland 2012

Jeeb maintained machoness tanpa peloh wpon dah jalan banyak while carrying Qeeb.

Cameron Highland 2012

View of the Cameron Highland pasar malam traffic time nak balik. Still jam nak kuar from here.

Cameron Highland 2012

Century Pines Resort at night biler dah pasang all the lampus.

Cameron Highland 2012

Around 8.30pm we gathered at the hotel's restaurant for dinner. It's been a while since i last ate steamboat! But during the dinner dapat brita sedey yang anak zaza have to be admitted kat hospital nearby because of bronchitis. Kesiannn :( Still xde chance nak jumpe dia gak that night.

Cameron Highland 2012

Start main campak2 and masak2 dalam periok.

Cameron Highland 2012

One family photo while waiting for our food siap masak. Yesss Mas berjaya tangkap gambar Qeeb tgk camera! Thanks Mas :)

Cameron Highland 2012

Fed Qeeb with fishball, noodles, etc but he likes crabstix the most wpon slalu sembur kuar balik...kesabaran jelahhhhh tgk the mess T___T

Cameron Highland 2012

One shot of our long table. Ada yang dah abes makan and still makan...

Cameron Highland 2012

Ada jugak yang tak benti2 lagik makan :P

Cameron Highland 2012

Time nak bayar bill ada incident where the waiter billed us with ridiculous amount. Why? Because infant and babies pon dia kira as kids yang makan steamboat. Gilo apo!  Biler tanya what range umur for kids they said 6 to 12 years old. Bengong kan...obviously kids yang umur 6-12 kat situ 3 orang jer and even the empty seats pon (e.g zaza + husband) pon dorang kira gak. And this one shitty waiter said "It's not our problem, it's your problem because you booked for 25 pax!" Pehhh saja bikin amarah ler tuh kannn! Call for manager dorang bagi excuse no manager at that hour. So another waiter who took our reservation mengalah sket to deduct 4 kids. Kitowang pon try to tolerate and willing to pay full for other kids termasuk lah Qeeb yang cuma makan crabstix jer *roll eyes* BUT it did not end there, the waiter apologetically came back with different amount because he said dia terlupa nak include tax. Time nih Kak Moji dah start pegang calculator lol! don't play2 when she starts doing this! From meja makan dorang sambung lagik 'gado2' kat counter but in the end kak moji just gave him a punch line "You make mistake, YOU PAY!" Skian, kitowang pon sumer blah from the restaurant sambil pot pet pot pet tak puas ati. Meratap lah waiter tuh depan cash register mengenangkan shortage yang dia kene bayar that night.

Some of us naik kejap to tidokan kiddos then turun balik for late night gossiping. All the daddies stayed in the room babysitting hehe. We lepak at gazebo depan hotel...sejuk giler sampai mengegel2 cakap cuma tak kuar asap kat mulut jer. Activity tgk photobook D yang dah siap, sambung lagik x puas ati pasal waiter, Shara bagi fridge magnet special (below pix) and planned activity the next day sambil makan cake yang Zaza baked. I took some photos time nie but gambar blur :( Nak copy from Kak Moji punyer camera nanti.

Cameron Highland 2012

Bes lah lepak2 camtuh...if only we were not too tired and don't have to bangun early the next morning mmg bes sambung borak! We dismissed sometime midnight. Mas and Jannah balik their homestay and the rest of us balik bilik. Since my floor nak kene turun jalan sunyi, i made them teman me sampai masuk bilik hak hak! TBC :)

End of Cameron Highland Day 1 (evening) - Pasar Malam Tanah Rata, Century Pines Resort, Steamboat

Cameron Highland Day 1 (a.m)

GLC ada banyak agenda nak buat together2. Antaranyer nak pegi vacation. Mula2 target nak pi overseas. But spam punyer spam dalam gmail, siap dah plan nak simpan duit cemana and what not. But still rasa cam susah nak kick off sbb nak carik date yang sesuai untuk sumer orang mmg susah. Maka tetiba kitowang tukar plan tok buat local jer and set date dalam masa yang terdekat sbb kalo set jauh2 lagik lah susah nak commit kot2 ada yang nak deliver/ pantang/ kawen/ preggy Hehe maka tarikh yang telah di persetujui was 30th Mar - 1st Apr dan tempat yang dipilih was Cameron Highland. Nak pilih tarikh nih  jer pon dah brapa banyak email melambung2 hahaha. But the rest was easy because sumer sporting...AJK F&B, AJK games, AJK hadiah etc. Sumer buat kejer tip top ;)

Hari yang ditunggu2 pon tiba....we communicated thru whatsapp/ sms and phone calls nak tau status masing2 dah kat mana. We reached Tapah around 1.30pm....nih pon last minute decided naik ikot Tapah because original plan was to ikot Simpang Pulai to avoid mabuk naik pusing2. But since dah berkobar2 sangat nak cepat so Tapah it seemed.

Cameron Highland 2012

We stopped at Bharat just to take some photos and did some stretching. Aaahhh udara sangat fresh. Bes betoi boleh tarik napas panjang2 without tersedut asap gas adalah sangat bliss!

Cameron Highland 2012

We stopped by at Tanah Rata foodcourt area nak isik perot sbb dah lapar giler. Kak fara and D pon dah sampai time nie. Beria semangat order nasik goreng lah, teh o ais lah tapik satu hapa pon tak sampai 30mins later. Ghhhr biler check rupanyer dorang tak buat pon. Ish nak explain pon cam misteri gila sbb sampai 3 kedai cakap tak sropa bikin. So kitowang pon makan nasik campor but Jeeb was lucky sbb dia dapat nasik ayam yang at first sumer kedai cakap dah abes. Cara nasik ayam tuh tiba2 sampai ke meja kitowang pon misteri sbb tak order pon o.O

Cameron Highland 2012

3.20pm we went to Century Pines Resort which was so dekat from the foodcourt sampai terkagum kejap. Kak fara yang recommended this hotel....before ni tak penah notice and besides i'm always confuse aper yang ada kat ringlet, brinchang and tanah rata :P Padahal dolu time pegi ngan D, shara and zaza, i'm the one who drove around Cameron but mmg susah beno nak register each place. But kali nie konpem ingat insya Allah! Queue panjang gak tunggu turn nak check in time nie.

Cameron Highland 2012  Cameron Highland 2012

The deluxe room mmg sangat puas ati. Exactly macam yang dalam gambar yang dorang publish kat website. Very spacious and facing garden :) Cuma jauh sket dari lift lah...nak kene kuar ikot pintu lain and turun to lower level. Room takde aircond/kipas so mmg takleh control langsung room temperature huhu. Cuma leh control bukaan tingkap and pintu jek lah.

Cameron Highland 2012

Coochy coochy coooo cak cak! Tak layan jugak >.<

Cameron Highland 2012

We gathered at lobby at almost 5pm. Time nih sumer dah turun weeee...but i missed Zaza coz dia dah naik balik bilik sbb anak tak sehat. Petik2 gambar kat lobby nih jer pon dah few minutes sbb mode jakun jumpe ngan GLC kat Cameron! Rasa cam tak caya jer hehe.

Cameron Highland 2012

Qeeb not in the mood to socialize...yet. Clung to his dad like a koala bear pelok pokok.

Cameron Highland 2012

Then baru lah kitowang gerak amik pacuan masing2. Time nie lar baru tau kak moji tukar keta baru around same time ngan kak fara phewiiiittt!! Sorang bawak Estima sorang lagik Grand Livina...all white!

Cameron Highland 2012

Instead of going to Rajoo's strawberry farm, Mas and Jannah suggested to go to YZ Agro Farm yang dekat ngan homestay dorang. Kalo soh pegi sendiri lg skali i don't think i can recall jalan nak pegi sini hak hak.

Cameron Highland 2012

While we were here, we tried strawberries dipped with chocolate and tumpang2 rasa strawberry ice cream & jelly. Sedappp....tapik rasa cam tak pueh makan sebab sibok nak bergambar so control lah sket. Kalo focus makan kang belemuih.

Cameron Highland 2012

Me having strawberries dipped with chocolate. Om nom nom! 

Cameron Highland 2012  Cameron Highland 2012

One family photo at the strawberry farm.

Cameron Highland 2012

Haaa Qeeb dah start terpikat ngan godaan auntie Mas ajak pegi jalan2.

Cameron Highland 2012

Dapat plak permission from auntie Mas kasik main buttons kat camera besaq.

Cameron Highland 2012

This is one of many snaps while waiting yang lain abes makan. Dari pegang camera, pegang stoberi, pastuh pegang budak, pastuh tetiba jadik makin ramai masuk dalam frame...all in one spot.

Cameron Highland 2012

Next agenda was to go to Pasar Malam at Tanah Rata.

Cameron Highland 2012

Qeeb will grab any chance to play with the steering. Okie cameron highland will be continued in the next entry coz dah panjang sangat hehe.

Cameron Highland 2012

End of Cameron Highland Day 1 (morning) - Century Pines Resort, Tanah Rata, AY Agro Strawberry Farm