This year I was quite disciplined in terms of not terjebak bebuka puasa kat luar with friends even though banyak invitation yang hard to resist. The main reasons were makan kene rush, nak borak with friends and entertain Qeeb at the same time then queue for a spot to perform maghrib sounds very tiring! Seriously i salute to couple yang can handle their small kids time bebuka puasa kat luar. Plus other reason was budget lah, skali makan for one pax jer dah puluh2! Sedey gak tak dapat jumpe old friends, but takpelah hope dapat jumpe time raya.
The first one was unplanned for me because initally Jeeb said he wanted to bebuka puasa with colleagues on his last day at Squid. I was not in the picture pon but tiba2 he asked me to join kat paradigm. Ehemm did i hear a mall? within a sec i have a list of shops nak check out, but then they changed to Mohd Chan KJ last minute. But i don't mind at all, lots of good food there, mana leh tolak rejeki :)
Pueh sungguh makan. Macam2 ader! Siakap stim, chicken & yam, dim sum, shark's fin soup, blackpepper beef, buttered prawn, mixed vege. I always enjoyed Squid's company because dorang nih suker buat lawak. So tumpang sedey jugak lah time nak say goodbye tuh.
The second iftar was also rather tiba2 jugak. I've been wanting to blanja my sis and the whole family. Sbb dah lama tak dinner kat luar ngan dorang. Since Mohd Chan offered good ramadhan set, might as well blanja dorang time nie. Jenuh pujuk my sis to agree to buka puasa kat luar because dia risau sangat adek dia yang kuat makan nih membazir. Blanja family sendiri tak penah membazir betoi dak?
While waiting for azan maghrib, borak2 depan food yang dah siap served >.<
Alhamdulillah dah kenyang. Hope they enjoyed the food as well.
Family pix + Jeeb behind the camera.
Nephew and nieces + Qeeb <3>
The 3rd one was with GLC and this time it was properly planned. Why? Because we have TONS of barang yang nak diexchange before raya. Kuih tart la, kek lapis lah, bag gin & jacqie lah, tupperware lah. So after considering few places we chose Nandos Subang Parade, decide what food to eat siap2 and then Mas went there a bit earlier to book the place and paid our food in advance. Around 6.30pm, everyone dah checked in masuk car park Subang Parade. Naissss :) Missing GLC kali nih were Kak Moji, Zaza and Dani.
The spot yang orang Nandos reservedkan for us mmg terbaek! Cam privacy gittuh! Time nih macam2 ektibiti....Mas and Jannah busy melayan SEMUA budak. Ilyas and Daleela plak busy nak mamam. While Idlan, Fahren, Qeeb and Hannah busy nak main, panjat, tarik, tolak, campak segala mende.
See, ada yang dah jadik spiderman hahaha.
And i looked like a horse here melayan si cheekybam neh! I think i tgh pronounce 'yel-low" kot, no?
Aahh at least one proper photo of me smiling.
After buka puasa, gilir2 pegi solat kat surau Subang Parade yang sendat ngan orang, then we were back at the long table. Sempat jugak tulis some notes kat buku GLC tuh.
Close up sket Kak Fara and fahren (gmbr terpotong plak), me, qeeb and also mas.
One final pix in front of Nandos. Then we meet up kat car park sbb nak exchanged barang. Dah macam car boot sale jer gaya nyer when masing2 bukak boot keta and kluarkan barang dagangan. Lol!
The final iftar with friends was at KL International Hotel in Kg. Baru. Squid held a majlis buka puasa together and they invited Jeeb and me to join skali. Rezeki rezeki, our first and last buffet :) But no pictures time nie because i was busy eating and ala2 malu nak amik gmbr pon ye jugak. But nonetheless, Alhamdulillah dapat bebuka puasa with dear family and friends for this year.