Recently i joined my company's outdoor activity - white water rafting. Bertaun jugak tunggu nak dapat this opportunity, because nak pegi sendiri mmg takkan punyer lah plus this was one of my bucket list. So tak pikir panjang i trus signed up. The big question that kept popping on my head was this...
"What if the boat overturned and all of us terjatuh and kene batu?"
Later i cerita this part hehe. So on 23 Feb morning we gathered at office area, most of us car pool so me, Juju and Karen tumpang kereta Syed. Sampai jer Kuala Kubu Bharu we had breakfast at the nearest mamak.
Then Rizal from PieRose led the way naik keta to river side. Here we had a safety briefing and what kind of instructions yang dorang akan guna time dalam boat nanti for example paddle, sit in, hold etc. Below are the gears like helmets, safety jackets and paddles.
Anyways baju yang sesuai is jersey type because it can quick-dry. Sandals kalo boleh biar yang crocs tak brapa kuat kot. Me myself pakai nike sandal celop, so kalo tetiba tertanggal takde lah sedey sangat. For those yang pakai specs kene bawak straps, if takde usually the guide akan sediakan. I also pinjam Jeeb punyer Suunto watch poyo nak tgk jam dalam air thehehe.
Muka semangat nak masuk air
Before we started with the main water rafting, everyone had a chance to do water confidence where you jumped into the river and let the rapid take you to a check point. It's an optional activity but it's good jugak to know how fast the river flows. Below picture, instructor tgh demo how to avoid bumps. What you gotta do is once masuk air, position yourself macam baring and tinggikan kaki. Kalo tak buat camtuh...bak kater instructor nanti before masuk air bump size 40 kluar jadik 50 lol!
Memang gayat biler ada part air deras. And then biler dah sampai check point nak kene cepat2 ke tebing kalo terlepas check point mmg trus jumpe kat sungai selangor lah jawabnyer.
My group name was PaddlePop. Kodi gila hahahha! Ahli2 boat were Rina, Hisyam, Farid, Syikin and Mat. We were lucky ada yang bawak waterproof camera so menumpang kaseh sket amik gambar.
Let the actions begin....each raft ada 6 pax and 2 guides to maneuver the raft.
Best gambar nie even though it's not my boat. There are times sumer kene duduk berimpit to avoid boat terbalik or nak go thru celah2 rocks.
Jerit gayat campor cuak tapik memang best gilaaaa! Biler our turn dah lepas turun each jeram, most of the time we got to watch other rafts punyer turn turun. So nampak lah how tinggi and brapa degree the raft went vertical wahahaha.

Back to my big question earlier...what if terkene batu when the boat capsized? I experienced that myself. I fell once into the water but that one time was really a scary moment. Logicnya there's nothing to worry about because ada life jacket. But I was under the water for about 10 seconds kot, and it seemed like forever to timbul balik. Why? When I was thrown into the water, nak timbul balik tak boleh because the raft dah landed on top of me. So i was stuck and dragged for few seconds, time nih lah terlanggar batu on my back. Daymmnn it hurts! Most of all I was panicked at first because dok raba2 atas still rasa the raft on top of me and tak jumpe the edge of the raft. I can feel the rapid is really2 deras, so i tried to relaxed and let the rapid pushed me because if i struggle lagik cepat abes oxygen kot. In 10 seconds aku dah pikir macam2....and puff tetiba ada orang grabbed my life jacket and i heard he said "rescue!" My colleague pulled me up naik boat, alhamdulillah lega rasanyer! Rupanya another 2 of my friends Rina and Farid pon tercampak dalam air. Fuhhh!

There was one check point where we took a break and had light snacks e.g apple, chocolates and biscuits. Sini ada waterfall yang best yaamatz and sejuk! Sesuai nak buat back massage gittew! Oh ya the batu here very licin, ada lah scene aku terduduk kejap hahaha. Punyalah licin biler terduduk tuh boleh slide ke bawah lagik bahaya tol. But nih jatuh tak saket sangat compared to langgar batu dalam air. So iols relax jer sambung posing amik gambar hik hik.
Dah habes went through all the jeram baru lah air sungai tenang and slow. Nak berjalan2 boleh, cabut life jacket pon is allowed. It was a very peaceful moment tgk green surroundings.
Naik jer tebing we can go makan or mandi first. I chose the later because tak comfortable lah nak makan basah2. Shower rooms ada dalam 6 cubicles, very the basic one tempat gantung baju pon takde. So you gotta bring all the toiletries sendiri. We had nasik lemak for lunch and before balik we had group photo!
Alhamdulillah the activity was smooth and successful. Now i can strike off water rafting from my bucket list :)
PieRose page if you are interested to join white water rafting. Sejarah salah silam kuala kubu bharu can be read
here. If nak pegi Fraser's Hill memang kene lalu sini...i never been to Fraser's Hill before hehe sbb tuh tak familiar langsung. Plus, i also learned that one of lagu Allahyarham Sudirman ada mentioned this place #ketinggalanzaman. It goes like "Kalau pergi kuala kubu tulis nama atas batu..." Some of my colleagues did went to visit the so called batu and signed autograph! While the rest terus balik because nak amik keta kat office and as for me tak sabar nak balik jumpe Qeeb.