GLC @ Serai, Paradigm Mall

Aigoo lamanyer tak update. So many things to write end up no update at all. Our trip to Japan in March was awesome. But need sometime to sort and watermark all my pictures. Talked about watermark, my mobile photos kene cilok and that person claimed it as hers. Unbelievable! slalu baca about mangsa copycat but now sendiri terkene. Cut the story short, it has been sorted out (i hope).

Back to the reason i'm writing an entry today is because i wanna share some photos from recent GLC meetup. Only 5 of us this time though. First we set nak jumpe kat Nu Sentral but due to parking rate yang cekik darah, #tetiba we changed venue to Amcorp Mall at the very last minute. Lawak betol time nie... kat dalam whatsapp group pon dah huru hara. Dengan Mas yang dah sampai komuter ready to go to Kl Sentral tetiba kene carik transport lain to go to Amcorp. Shara lak tetiba sangkut kene buat kejer. While myself lak takde line telepon so i had to linger around for a while to use the wifi to make sure i did not missed any important updates. Once everyone reached Amcorp Mall, duduk kat Secret Recipe kejap. Sempat ler minom 2 glasses of lime juice and 1 brownie with vanilla ice cream.

GLC @ Serai, Paradigm Mall

Dah start berkira2 nak choose other place or not because it seemed like Amcorp tak banyak options and cozy place to hang out. After calculating the route and what not, we decided to stay. But time bangun nak pegi restaurant at upper floor, #tetiba i said "aaahh jom jelah pegi Paradigm Mall. Lol! And we made it.

GLC @ Serai, Paradigm Mall  GLC @ Serai, Paradigm Mall

We had a great time catching up at Serai, Paradigm Mall. Dapat update buku GLC, belek shawl atheeya by D, passed some souvenirs from BDO + KIX and planned for our next gathering.

GLC @ Serai, Paradigm Mall

Medan berniaga

GLC @ Serai, Paradigm Mall

Our lunch

GLC @ Serai, Paradigm Mall  GLC @ Serai, Paradigm Mall
GLC @ Serai, Paradigm Mall

Also coffee and dessert - banana fritters with gula melaka and ice cream.

GLC @ Serai, Paradigm Mall  GLC @ Serai, Paradigm Mall

Before we made a move, took some group photos. Tayah panggil orang dah kali nie untuk tolong amikkan gambar....pakai monopod jer sonang hehehe. Can snap banyak kali ^.^

GLC @ Serai, Paradigm Mall  GLC @ Serai, Paradigm Mall

Weols ramai2 naik keta D heading back to Amcorp because i left my car there. Except Shara yang bawak keta and balik terus. Sakan sangat borak sampai terlepas simpang nak masuk Fed Hiway. Terpaksalah layan jam hala ke Puchong before we dapat carik simpang to exit. Sampai Amcorp, K.Fara tunggu her husband while me and Mas proceed to Kl Sentral because iols nak pickup le husband. Parking kat Amcorp kene RM9 btw. Dalam keta pon dok sakan borak ngan Mas sampai terlepas simpang Sentral. Lol! Macam2 hal...but yang besnyer sumer take it easy :)

A last note before abeskan this entry, iols nak selit about customer experience kat Serai @ Paradigm nie. Time memula sampai ok jer all the waiters. It started when a waitress took our order for dessert. When she's starting to walk to the kitchen we holla at her because nak add warm water jer. But she kept walking and leaved us watching her back. Pehhh tak bother to pusing or nod pon. Luckily the warm water came heheh! And then after bayar kitowang nak balik, selonggok waiters tgh lepak kat counter tuh wat derk jer. C'mon laaa can't you even at least said bye, come again! We've paid a lot bukannyer duduk lama minom air kosong jer. Haishh!


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