Hari raya yang ke penghujung dan penghabisan, we spent it with lovely friends of GLC. This year gathered at D's new house! Phewittt! Menu potluck were mihun sup, begedil, lemang, rendang itik and rendang daging, cheese tartlets, cake, kepci and puding caramel.
Time nie retis KWSP baru sampai hehehe...
We also beramai2 baca yassin untuk mengimarahkan suasana rumah baru D nie.
Dari dapor sampai ke bilik tido bergambor. Buat house tour skali laaa alang2 nak tgk dekorasi rumah D. Buat iols teruja and tasabar nak decorate umah sendiri.
Sebelom beransur, kami bergambar dolu. Slalunyer zaza tak dapat join sbb dia paling jauh kat Penang. This time dia ada tapik x dapat cukupkan korum jugak sbb jannah ada urusan keluarga. Insya Allah till next time kami bergather lagik :)
After that we went straight to aunty Yan's house in KJ wpon dah almost 10pm. Jeeb's cousin, Haniz got engaged. The newly-engaged couple looked so gojes in this yellow!
Some of the beautiful hantaran.
Cupcakes are always lovely kann!
And we love the door gift - a jar of pastel mint chocolate chip meringue kisses.