Can't believe now i'm a mom of two boys! Baby Zafeer is 37 days old today. Born at 32 weeks 3 days on 11 Nov 2015 at 11.06pm and with weight 1.7kg. My experience to deliver this boy is totally different than his big brother Qeeb but same old wonderful feeling. Plus terrifying jugak because of what we went through as it comes with an ambulance ride!
Home to Office
It all started since the night before as i was having small spots of blood and continued throughout the day. I know i shouldn't ignore it but i've seen spots of blood (brown, pink, red you name it) since 5 months preggy. Biler dah masuk 7 months baru ok so when i saw the spots i thought it was false alarm but it made me nervous all over again. Every few hours i went to the toilet to check and every time the discharge comes with mucus. Something is not right! I informed Jeeb to be on standby, buat kejer pon dah tak betol because kejap2 rasa saket perot. I can't differentiate saket contraction or is it saket perot nak buang air besar. Sempat gak attend few meetings and after lunch i was pretty sure it's a contraction. Told my boss that i'm leaving early and asked Jeeb to do the same because we need to avoid the traffic jam...i don't want to deliver a baby in a car! Hospital bag pon tak ready satu hapa pon lagik! On the way home, the contraction was 4 minutes apart, peloh jantan sumer kluar dah.
Some of preggy photos i've never shared before. Selfie dalam toilet....haha kenangan.
Office to Home & DEMC
Reached home around 7pm and packed my stuff in case kene tahan kat spital. I had a gut feeling that my pregnancy won't last till 39 weeks and i'm going to deliver any time soon. Sob sob....sedeh pon ada sempat soh Jeeb amik gambar my baby bump before we left the house.
Sampai DEMC explained to the nurse that 'm having contraction and currently at 32 weeks. Masuk bilik dorang dok check2 and kept saying that the baby will be too small if deliver skang. Duhhh! Obviously i know that already tayah dok repeat bleh dak. They checked if there's any opening and brita yang i've been avoiding came out when they told me dah ada bukaan 4cm. My gynae, Dr. M came and checked...dia kater naper tak datang awal cam yang dia pesan hari tuh if ada rasa contraction because they need to inject me with ubat untuk kuatkan lung baby. At least twice and it must be 12 hours apart. She did the first round of injection, but lepas tuh masukkan ubat tok reduce kan contraction plak so that ada time untuk masukkan 2nd injection. Wpon ubat tok reducekan contraction might not work and it costed about RM1,000....ikhtiar namanyer. She then explained that the baby will be born as a premature baby, we have options to go to government hospital sementara baby blom kluar, if we decided to stay it will cost us a bomb like RM1,000 a day at the very least minus any medical costs or complications. So we sort of agree to go to gov hospital and Dr. M started to look for the nearest available gov hospital yang willing to accept. She came back and informed us the only place closest with a spot is Hospital Tengku Ampuan Rahimah Klang (HTAR).
Dalam kekalutan to make a final decision, my MIL and my sis didn't like the idea of me giving birth at Klang when we told them due to their colourful reputation. But beggars can't be choosers. Everything happened rather too quickly. Tiba2 orang ambulance dah sampai to pick me up and Jeeb went to settle the bills (we only spent 3 hours there and it costed us almost RM3K). I was transferred to an ambulance around 9.30pm dan tuh laa dia my first (and hopefuli there won't be any other) neno neno ride. Actually this was the second time tapik dolu teman orang, kali nih sendiri as a patient. Contraction getting more frequent and i kept zikir and doa pada Allah untuk permudahkan urusan kami malam tuh. I called Qeeb to let him know that i'm in an ambulance because i know he'll find it cool. Tapik baru jer dia nak jawab phone, the driver dah off kan the siren...which means we have arrived at HTAR...adoiyai. The DEMC nurses handed me over to HTAR nurses like some sort of barang dagangan haha. I was asked tons of questions because i never opened buku merah before. Time tuh sempat update Jeeb via whatsapp on what's going on because he can't be around. One lady doctor checked and she said the opening was already at 6cm! Aigooo nih sebab naik ambulance takde absorber la nie begegar2 hahaha. At 10.50pm, i felt a gush of warm fluid...aaahh that musbi my water broke. I miss that feeling :)
The doctor told the nurses that i need to be in the labor room immediately. Laa i thought i'm gonna deliver kat situ rupanya kat tempat lain. While i was being pushed into ward bersalin, nurse dah berlari2 tolak katil nak cepat, i managed to update Jeeb via Whatsapp where i'm going. Nih kalo orang luar tgk mmg bughuk sangat laa pangai dah nak bersalin pon dok pegang tepon lagik. I came to know after that from Jeeb that if I did not update him he won't know what's going on or where exactly i am because most of husbands yang waiting kat situ tatau aper citer wife masing2. No wonder biler aku kluar from PAC, banyak husband yang bangun beria tgk to see if it's their wife. Depan pintu labor room saw Jeeb and PIL waiting kat situ. Sempat lambai jer tak sempat nak salam mintak maaf bagai.
HTAR PAC to Labor Room
Inside ada few katil covered with tirai untuk bersalin. Memang old school! Biler dah parked, a lady doc and nurses cakap tunggu jap dorang nak pakai scrub. Aku plak dah tatahan nak push...the feeling cam nak membuang air besar tuh dah kat hujung2 sangat, They asked me to bukak kaki ke position yang spatotnyer. No pedal or besi to hold on to, i have to pegang my own kaki instead. Heard the nurse said 'uihh berdenyut2 membrane'. First push tak cukup napas. Nurse advised me to curik2 amik napas in between the push. I took a long breath and pushed twice and baby boy dah terslide kat atas katil. Then dengar his crying. Alhamdulillah he's here, syukur ya Allah our baby is here. Our son, Zafeer was born at 11.06pm...well i almost nak tahan sampai 11.11pm tapik banyak sangat lak number 1 in his life :P Nurse showed me that baby's birdie and then took him away. Time nak kene jahit tuh sampai 3 orang bertukar ganti...because they have other emergency case. I hate the stitching part, saket giler erghh!
The same nurse yang pegang baby Zafeer came back and showed me tag kat kaki dia. She said his lung is ok, no oxygen needed and he will be warded in 6C. Alhamdulillah. After process jahit sembat and what not siap i changed to uniform spital yang bersih, tukar katil dan di tinggalkan kat tepi ward. Time tuh risau jer takot dorang terluper i was there because laluan tuh cam tak ramai orang lalu. Before i knew it, lepas tuh bersusun few other mommies yang diparked kat situ. But the difference was most mommies have babies in their arms and dah start breastfeeding. Sob sob...i felt so cold and lonely. Tekebil2 tgk deepavali decor gantung kat ceiling, tgk nurse lalu, tgk dinding, tgk lampu malap...for 2 hours!
Labor Room to Ward 1B
Then all mommies yang parked kat walkway tadik were pushed beramai2 to ward 1B. Sampai jer ward...i was like wow...this is a totally new experience. There are about 80 beds kot kat situ. Finally dapat jumpe happy got to see him...tak cukup napas nak citer kat dia sumer benda. I got a bed by the window but unfortunately kipas berdekatan rosak plak. Nurse advised me to eat something and then if rasa ok sket tak pening2 try to go shishi within 4 hours. I ate buns yang Jeeb bought. And lepas settle down tuh baru lah Jeeb balik. Suasana malam yang agak damai.

Sungguh laa tak rasa cam baru lepas bersalin, just a bit tired and no baby bump. Around 5am i walked to the other end of the ward sbb nak gi toilet to shishi....saper yang tak shishi nanti nurse marah. Time tuh toilet yang available cuma squatting toilet. Termenung jap depan pintu nak proceed ke tanak. Then toilet sblah orang baru kluar...i checked it out and there's a toilet bowl! Phew!! Menggeletar nervous la jugak time nak start the 'business'.
Much later, a nurse informed me that if i larat jalan at 7am tomorrow i can go and visit my baby at Ward 6C. Tried to sleep tapik x berjaya. Sonot jer tgk other mommies yang dapat tido ngan baby kat sblah...
Ward 1B to Ward 6C (Nursery 1)
Around 7am i was feeling dizzy2. Can't wait to see baby Zafeer. A nurse accompanied me to 6C and left me there. I found out that babies yang kat ward 6C means they are stabilizing and not critical. And there he was...inside an incubator with tube feeding. Kaki connected to heart rate machine. Tangan pon bertampal...dorang amik darah for test kot. Huuuu kesiannyer! He is fully formed in a small size with a weight of 1.7kg. The nurse asked me to breastfeed him but takde susu. A nurse yang expert in lactation brought me to a nursing room and taught me how to perah susu, siap tolong massage2 kan but unfortunately tak kluar pape yet. Time tuh i dah noticed all the kerosi kat nursery and nursing room sumer keras2 belaka because saket time duduk haiyayaya. Then the same nurse yang sent me to 6C came to pick me up because she said doctor tgh round for checkups. So back to my bed in 1B and then a doctor checked my stitches...terkluar jugak laa ayaq mata biler dia tekan sampai dalam nak tau brapa panjang stitches tuh. Around 12pm, nurse said i can go home. So when Jeeb arrived, he went to settle the bill which cost us RM38. Ok since this is our first time at gov hospital memang nganga kagum kejap laa how affordable it was. Nurse handed over some documents to register anak kat JPN.
Time nih baru start waktu melawat. Tetiba ward penoh ngan orang...mak aih. Terlebey meriah!
We went to Nursery 1 again to check out Zafeer before we went home...empty handed :( Gifts from our office cheer us up a bit.
Some of the things happening while Zafeer was in Nursery 1 were kene duduk bawah phototherapy because of jaundice, tube was removed after dah established breastfeeding, his weight dropped to 1.68 which the nurses said it's normal to lost weight in first few days. Time nih i've learned a new skill which is perah susu manually pakai tangan. Susu pon dah start kluar alhamdulillah.
Nursery 1 to Nursery 3
After few days spent at Nursery 1, baby Zafeer was then transferred to Nursery 3. Most babies kat N3 nih usually dah stabil and can stay in an open crib. I requested for a bed at bilik Rakan Bayi so i can have a rest biler dah abes menyusu. Tak larat nak duduk lama2 kat kerusi tuh one whole day sampai malam until Jeeb came to pick me up. Bilik Rakan Bayi is simple but cosy enough because it is air-conditioned and isolated. No guys or sedara mara can enter the room at all.

When Zafeer's weight dah cecah 1.6, i started to room-in dengan harapan dapat breastfeed him banyak2 and dapat balik cepat. Boy i was wrong. The first night i stayed there, besok tuh kene timbang berat and his weight turun banyak to 1.51. I was really upset and rasa cam a total failure. Because of that Zafeer kene masuk incubator balik. Iols pon gigih laa ulang alik from Room 6 to Nursery 3 every couple of hours to breastfeed him sampai dia cecah 1.62kg balik. Biler dapat room-in again pressure le jugak takot berat turun lagik. Alhamdulillah his weight naik slow and steady and on the 28th days his weight was 1.82kg. Memula tuh Zafeer mmg banyak tido maybe because maybe he still thinks he's still dalam perot. Jenuh nak kejutkan dia bangun tido nak soh minom susu. Slalunyer biler ada masalah cemnie, bitau jer lactation nurse or Sister (matron) and they are always there to help...tolong massage and kejutkan baby, tolong betolkan nursing position etc. Tak lama lepas tuh ada good progress where Zafeer wakes up (wpon mata pejam) carik susu more frequently.
[Left] Daily stuff for baby i.e appeton, folic acid and ammonium aper tah tak ingat. [Right] Stok ebm mommies including mine. From zero to something i can be proud of myself.
Every day ada 3 rounds of checkups. First round by housemen, second round by medical officer (MO) accompanied by housemen and third round by specialist accompanied by MO+housemen. Nih tak campor lagik nurse punyer round of checkup every few hours, even time kiter tidoq pon kene kejut if they wanted to ask anthing. Zafeer kene prolonged jaundice because dah more than 21 days still x hilang2 lagik, They did another round of test to rule out other causes. So far so good and we need to attend ultrasound appointment to scan his liver and kidney.

[Left] My daily view from the bed facing toilet. See that door remains open and cannot be closed. So imagine parents yang lalu lalang depan pintu mmg boleh tgk trus mommies yang dalam bilik nie tanpa filter. Kalo tgh breastfeeding if tak properly show. Nak cover aurat all the time was also challenging. It also can be very warm in here because kipas rosak sket takleh nk pusing2. [Right] My gadget at the hospital. I pump susu while facing the advantage for me duduk corner.
Nursery 3 to Cheras
On the 28th days, the specialist said we can go home! Weeee i'm so happy and nervous at the same time. Hari sebelom tuh 4 of my roomies dah discharged...sedeh tak dapat kluar sesama because ada one result Zafeer tak kluar lagik that's why i had to stay one more day. So the next day tuh ingatkan dapat ler discharge sama2 dengan roomies next to my bed. Tapik result baby dia plak sangkut so she had to stay. So tak dapat laaa celebrate sesama. Jeeb came with baju persalinan baby Zafeer...i asked him to bring baju yang paling kecik he can find dalam wardrobe. And yet still too gedebeh biler dah pakaikan hehe kesian...tapik takper sebaik swaddle helps to cover. Jeeb went to settle the bills which costed us about RM114. Lega that we did not have to berhutang cam gila to pay the bills if we opt for private.
Initial plan lepas discharge was balik rumah Shah Alam. But Qeeb dah batuk for few days, so we had to change plan because risau jangkit2. I asked my sis if i can crashed her place for few days sementara Qeeb recover. She said ok so we chill out at her place for almost a week. Time to rejuvenate and recuperate.
Cheras to Shah Alam
Today dah 2 days we are at SA. I miss Qeeb so much...batuk dia pon dah makin surut, i hope he will fully recover soon. So he can kiss2 his adek...if he wants haha. So far he's such a gentle and loving towards his baby brother. If batuk dia cover his mouth and gi cuci tangan. Sometimes dia belek2 muka adek dia and he even peek tgk Zafeer's poop. When Zafeer cried his lungs out at night, Qeeb just ignored it wpon dia terjaga and he didn't mind i switched on the light to clean up Zafeer at night. Kalo dolu dia bising saket mata. Like i said so far so good :)
We also gonna bring Zafeer to series of appointments for health checkup like timbang berat every week at Klinik Kesihatan, scan etc. I was informed that for preemie baby, their progress kene monitor sampai umur 5-10 years old. Fuhhh...we keep on doa smoga baby Zafeer membesar dengan sehat walafiat, insya Allah.
Wish us luck as a new parent of two. Sesungguhnya kami bersyukur dengan anugerah & amanah dari Allah ini.