Showing posts from July, 2017
Weekdays @ Sunway Putra Mall
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Afters buat some weekend errands, we dropped by Sunway Putra Mall. Just because tak pernah pegi since they reopened and besides it was 2nd Syawal so confirmed tak ramai orang.
We had lunch at Sepiring. Zafeer really enjoyed dengar lagu raya sambil makan. Terenjut2 dia dance from high chair.
Some of the food we ordered. Share2 makan anak branak.
Then jenjalan tgk food court area....nice!
1st Syawal Malam
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Malam 1st syawal baru nak main mercun pop pop and bunga api. Beli yang light2 and kids friendly type jer. Naqeeb time kecik dolu2 tak suker main sebab takot. Skang still ada takot2 but semangat nak try main.

Yang this boy lak tak takot langsung. Sampai mommy dia yang takot because api pon nak pegang!
Baru tau iman takot main bunga api rupanya hahaha kiut jer
Khairan gaya wat stock photo
And then there we were posing tepi pancaq

Oh petang tuh we went to McCafe to get something else other than rendang or ketupat (too soon i guess). Well actually i wanted coffee and ice cream jer. But ended up termakan skali ayam goreng mcD spicy crunchy tuh!
Smartkannnn this photo! This is what happened when the place kinda can do stuff that you won't do bila ramai orang.
Raya Aidilfitri 2017
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This is Raya post and i failed to siapkan my entry before Syawal ends. But for my own sake...i must :P
Pagi raya tuh time tgh sibok nak bersiap while waiting for Jeeb balik from solat raya, i had worst nightmar ever! Qeeb dah siap pakai baju melayu so setel...tapik biler pakaikan baju melayu kat Zafeer....sangkut! I was like omg omg NooOOooo!!! *try sumbat lagik and still tak lepas* Tanak terima kenyatan gituh la. Baru nak menyesal kenapa tak try betol2 pakai kan kat budak after beli instead of acu2 kat bahu jer. Bepeloh2 giler dibuatnyer pagi tuh because panic.
Usually amik gambar kat garden rumah PIL but this year nak carik tempat ada shades sket so that the kids tak try to escape because matahari direct kene muka (dahler masing2 sepet2). Tempat yang paling dekat dengan rumah and takde orang time pagi raya is park!
Luckily Qeeb smangat nak beraya and jumpe his cousins. Or else we might be stucked at the park for a while if they refused to leave. Zafeer do not have a say at the moment hahaha...we just carried him masuk keta.
Pagi raya tuh time tgh sibok nak bersiap while waiting for Jeeb balik from solat raya, i had worst nightmar ever! Qeeb dah siap pakai baju melayu so setel...tapik biler pakaikan baju melayu kat Zafeer....sangkut! I was like omg omg NooOOooo!!! *try sumbat lagik and still tak lepas* Tanak terima kenyatan gituh la. Baru nak menyesal kenapa tak try betol2 pakai kan kat budak after beli instead of acu2 kat bahu jer. Bepeloh2 giler dibuatnyer pagi tuh because panic.
where should i cut it? at the side or front? where's my sewing kit? shit, the thread color does not match!
Siap jugak lahhh si zafeer wpon baju dah berstitches!
We tried to keep a tradition to make sure amik gambar before everything else while masing2 tengah segak lagik. Nanti kang baju dah crumpled, peloh, mekap cair, songkok hilang...confirm dah takde mood nak amik gambar.
Usually amik gambar kat garden rumah PIL but this year nak carik tempat ada shades sket so that the kids tak try to escape because matahari direct kene muka (dahler masing2 sepet2). Tempat yang paling dekat dengan rumah and takde orang time pagi raya is park!
I love this candid taken by Jeeb
While I was trying to take picture with the kids
Luckily Qeeb smangat nak beraya and jumpe his cousins. Or else we might be stucked at the park for a while if they refused to leave. Zafeer do not have a say at the moment hahaha...we just carried him masuk keta.
Salam raya with tok mama and tok wan
More photos with fam bam
That's all folks! Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri from us.
Raya Decor @ Pavilion & Fahrenheit 2017
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Bertaun tak jejak Pavilion. Akhirnya dapat jugak singgah kejap when i was around that area.
Managed to singgah dUCk store kejap cukup syarat nak tgk kedai. Tak beli pape pon unless they suddenly have Oops in stock then i might terbeli.
Some of photos when were walking towards Lot 10. They have nothing on raya decor. First time singgah the Isetan Japan since they renovated. I know they only have premium stuff but i'm still not used to the idea of their new concept.
View kat tangga to main entrance
Lego details.
Managed to singgah dUCk store kejap cukup syarat nak tgk kedai. Tak beli pape pon unless they suddenly have Oops in stock then i might terbeli.
Outside Pavilion.
Some of photos when were walking towards Lot 10. They have nothing on raya decor. First time singgah the Isetan Japan since they renovated. I know they only have premium stuff but i'm still not used to the idea of their new concept.
Here's raya decor by Fahrenheit. Menarik dapat singgah brands outlet and shoopen kat situ. Cam lagik banyak choices.