FIL 1942 - 2018
It's been a very sad week for our family. My father in law passed away on 8th Jan 2018 at 6pm and left a hole in our lives. He lost his battle to myeloma cancer and the complications that came with it. On Tuesday morning, he was buried at Tanah Perkuburan Seksyen 21.
We love you so much Pa, but Allah loves you more. I just pray that your passing was ease and may Allah grant you the highest of jannah.
Allahummaghfirlahu warhamhu. Mudah2an syurga yg disediakan untuknya, diampunkan segala dosa.
We love you so much Pa, but Allah loves you more. I just pray that your passing was ease and may Allah grant you the highest of jannah.
Allahummaghfirlahu warhamhu. Mudah2an syurga yg disediakan untuknya, diampunkan segala dosa.
Tuan Haji Ishak Hashim 07.04.1942 - 08.01.2018
Semoga roh beliau dicucuri rahmat ... aamiin...