Nigel's 1st Birthday Celebration @ Ara Dsara

KY invited us to his son's 1st birthday party at Potpourri. Nigel is super cute and the three of them wore snoopy tshirt. Kawthar and her 2 kids were there too...the only familiar face from KY's invitees along with my own colleagues.

Nigel's 1st Birthday @ Potpourri, Ara Damansara  Nigel's 1st Birthday @ Potpourri, Ara Damansara

Alahaiii Mateen pon cute! The kids really enjoyed the space and kept running around. 

Nigel's 1st Birthday @ Potpourri, Ara Damansara  Nigel's 1st Birthday @ Potpourri, Ara Damansara

It's time for a birthday song and cut the cake. KY said he ordered some food from Picha project to support the refugees. There was this one dish tasted really delish but i don't know the name.

Nigel's 1st Birthday @ Potpourri, Ara Damansara  Nigel's 1st Birthday @ Potpourri, Ara Damansara

Group photo with KY's ex-colleagues...that means us! haha

Nigel's 1st Birthday @ Potpourri, Ara Damansara  Nigel's 1st Birthday @ Potpourri, Ara Damansara
Nigel's 1st Birthday @ Potpourri, Ara Damansara
