During Ramadhan...

An annual thingy where PS gave away something (usually kurma) personally to all the staff right before Ramadhan starts. Sweet!

Daily Life in Ramadhan  Daily Life in Ramadhan
Daily Life in Ramadhan

What's inside the jar this year - kurma and dried peach

Daily Life in Ramadhan

I rarely go to Pasar Ramadhan anymore. Beli kuih pon jarang because we buka puasa at MIL's house almost every day. So this year sekali nih jelah gigih singgah beli kuih at Milah on the way back.

Daily Life in Ramadhan

As for Qeeb, he unlocked a big achievement for this Ramadhan. I was so proud to see him bangun sahur and puasa the whole day throughout the month except for first day sebab dia tak tahan. Layan jelah his whining tak boleh bukak mata time sahur. He will specifically asked for nugget 5 pieces only for sahur. If saja letak 6 pieces he won't eat the 6th one.

Daily Life in Ramadhan

Dessert for the first few days untuk buka puasa and sahur. Nyumss!

Mango Cheese Cake by Kulacakes  Mango Cheese Cake by Kulacakes

Traffic was also extravaganza punyer jam. ETA asik increased jer...paling cepat 1 hour+ drive, tak pernah nya kurang. Serious penat!

Daily Life in Ramadhan  Daily Life in Ramadhan
Daily Life in Ramadhan

Some shopping for raya prep...

Shop Nita Cosmetics  Shop FV

We welcomed Famima into the area with an open arms and confetti! We sahur here once when we returned from zafeer's repeat neb at odd hours.

Shop Family Mart

Buka puasa once with the team at KLCC

Buka Puasa with Colleagues @ KLCC  Buka Puasa with Colleagues @ KLCC
Buka Puasa with Colleagues @ KLCC

Second time was buka puasa with kids from orphanage and colleagues 
