School Opening in July

MOE through press conference made an official announcement that school will be opened soon *jaw dropped* Starts with preschool on 1 Jul and Standard 1-4 starts on 22 Jul. Zafeer's schedule will be between online and pegi school on alternate days. Time Zafeer starts school hari tuh tak sempat nak potong rambut. But throughout staying at home i cut his hair not so bad lah kembang and panjang tuh. SOP to masuk school are:
  • Parents need to fill up online form to declare during health declaration
  • Queue inside the car for drop off
  • Teacher will scan students temperature before turun kereta
  • Students will sanitize their hand before terus masuk class
School Opening Announcement  Zafeer 1st day of School after MCO

Waiting outside the school be like. Zafeer was so excited when he saw me outside the gate. He needs to check his temperature first before kluar.

Zafeer 1st day of School after MCO  Nala Espadrilles in Yolk

No more weekdays chill like this ;)

Zafeer Selfie

Meanwhile for Qeeb, kelam kabut track balik all the homework, videos and what not yang nak kene submit to teachers. Arghhh im sure i missed some. Qeeb pon lagik laaa buat2 tatau jer. 

School Project: RBT Car Presentation

Pendidikan Seni Kota Ceria

School Project: Small City Model
