Vendeur Fest & Lunch Date
I'm sure most of you dah penah dengar pasal Vendeur Festival. The first one was in May at Stadium Melawati Shah Alam. Last weekend plak baru jer buat the second one at Matrade, but I didn't go to this one. The crowd for these event, omg memang stok giler sendat punyer. Why? Because banyak famous brands under one roof. Maka nak jadik citer iols pon terjebak dalam kesendatan yang melanda kat Stadium hari tuh. I went with Wawa, we almost suffocate and sweating like mad...seriously! Nak beli barang pon jadik cemas and kalut sebab takde space nak stop. The layout was like a maze with no shortcut and no turning back. If you try to do so, you gotta find the right moment to pusing because you'll be menentang arus. I may sound exaggerating but that was what i experienced on that day. Oh ya not too mention the too overly loud Azwan Ali as mc...boleh plak dia nyanyi lagu dangdut. Oihh rasa nak pitam sbb bingit.

Tengok laa all the big names yang ada. Each brand dah ada beribu loyal fans, so kalo ada banyak brand berpuluh2 ribu jadiknyer.
Some of the booths that I managed to capture. Sambil lalu random snap. Baju, dress, kasut, shawl, tudung, accessories, phone case, monopod etc. Memang banyak barang best i must say, but the pleasure of browsing tuh takde. I managed to beli one malika shawl and that was it.
Lepas beli shawl tuh, we went to have lunch at Foodsbury.
I had roasted chicken and wawa had spaghetti bolognaise. Both meals sedap! Thanks to Wawa sebab belanja! Lepas syiok borak2 tuh I drove to her aunt's house where she parked her car and balik.
Oh ya the Vendeur Fest 2.0 yg last weekend tuh pon iols tgk meriah kat instagram. Ada banyak sale! Pakkal buat kat Matrade, kalo kat stadium again memang singgah gak kot hak hak. Hard to resist! Just like Karnival Teratak Glam hosted by Hanis Zalikha, i know it's gonna be crowded but I still went to check it out. But that one teratur and breathable sket.
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