A Quick Stop @ Sogo

Hari tuh sempat singgah sogo kejap after an appointment. Cuaca pon redup, traffic pon just nice, sedap sket berjalan dengan laju.

Short Trip to Sogo, KL

Baru discovered there's one floor yang direvamped baru. I noticed ada few famous online brands bukak physical store here. Iols dah lama tak ke sogo, memang tatau lah biler ada benda nih hehe. Maybe dah berzaman dah pon. But i like it because it looks more refreshing. 

Short Trip to Sogo, KL

Baru jer browse poplook website hari tuh. Sooo biler nampak ada their physical store here, terus excited gi belek the material and size. 

Short Trip to Sogo, KL

The rest of the stuff on this floor. Rasa cam nak beli that butterfly shoes because the prints cantek2. But for me too mahal for kasut lipat2 and nipis. Next time jelah. 

Short Trip to Sogo, KL  Short Trip to Sogo, KL
Short Trip to Sogo, KL
