The Passing of Uncle Sonny

It was a sad day for us when our beloved loving uncle Sonny passed away on 7 Sep. Initial diagnosed in early Aug was Pott disease or spinal tuberculosis. But when he was still in the hospital for treatment, he encountered pneumonia bacteria attack.

Uncle Sonny visitation @ Xiao En Centre  Uncle Sonny visitation @ Xiao En Centre
Uncle Sonny visitation @ Xiao En Centre

The following day we went to Xiao En Centre to visit. Relatives, friends and family came to give last respect. It was a beautiful and peaceful reunion, we laughed, we cried. We surely miss him a lot! Glad Tai Yee Ma was very calm and her support system Karen, Vincent, inlaws and cucus semua emotionally strong and helpful to keep everything going and smooth.

Uncle Sonny visitation @ Xiao En Centre  Uncle Sonny visitation @ Xiao En Centre
Uncle Sonny visitation @ Xiao En Centre  Uncle Sonny visitation @ Xiao En Centre
Uncle Sonny visitation @ Xiao En Centre  Uncle Sonny visitation @ Xiao En Centre
Uncle Sonny visitation @ Xiao En Centre  Uncle Sonny visitation @ Xiao En Centre

A lovely video crafted by Nic
