Urbanscapes 2009 - Part II
We arrived at the KL Pac around 6pm. We parked right away at the first parking spot available. Not bothered to carik parking kat dalam where i'm sure lagik banyak keta or worst...double park. Sampai2 trus amik gambar depan building before it's getting dark.

Tepi abandon building.

And dalam abandon building. Why waste the shot kan haha tempek ajer sumer kat sini.

Ekceli there were many other peeps in this building taking photos. Each holding a DSLR heheh. We were the only couple holding a compact camera with a DSLR flash. There was a group of guys lepak kat stu sambil perform acoustic. Besssst!

The most famous must have photo spot...Urbanscapes signage. Everybody went gaga to take photos here. It's like a Hollywood famous signage with striking color balloons. Then we ronda2 the market place sampai lah dah gelap. We tot blah depan jer and blah dalam kene bayar. But ekceli the market place extend sampai blakang building where the stage was.

And then there was a street performance by these youngsters. 4 guys (or more) and 2 girls. Bes giler biler ramai2 layan pusing2 tali berapi tuh. Sorry i don't know the name haha!

Blocking the spotlight to get that glow look sambil control idong bau minyak tanah.

The last stop was Makan Boulevard. Ada gerai jual char koay tiaw...bau dia sangat lah menusuk kalbu! But we saved our perot to makan something more solid later hehe. Sambil minom coke and listened to the musics played by the DJ on stage, iobserved watched some of the posers yg angguk2 kepala nak tunjuk mcm boleh layan la kira and drinking alcohol. The sad part was most of em were Malays. It's not shocking but sad to see em drinking dengan rasa coolnyer in public. Kalo closed event tuh lantak ko lah kan but this is public ok. I think that the organizer should establish guidelines that are more restrictive on alcohol policy. Maybe there is a policy but nobody cares to read. But why Tiger in the first place. Get a drink yang sumer orang boleh minom lah including kids. Oh well, just my 2cents.

More photos in the next entry on designer's booth :)
Tepi abandon building.
And dalam abandon building. Why waste the shot kan haha tempek ajer sumer kat sini.
Ekceli there were many other peeps in this building taking photos. Each holding a DSLR heheh. We were the only couple holding a compact camera with a DSLR flash. There was a group of guys lepak kat stu sambil perform acoustic. Besssst!
The most famous must have photo spot...Urbanscapes signage. Everybody went gaga to take photos here. It's like a Hollywood famous signage with striking color balloons. Then we ronda2 the market place sampai lah dah gelap. We tot blah depan jer and blah dalam kene bayar. But ekceli the market place extend sampai blakang building where the stage was.
And then there was a street performance by these youngsters. 4 guys (or more) and 2 girls. Bes giler biler ramai2 layan pusing2 tali berapi tuh. Sorry i don't know the name haha!
Blocking the spotlight to get that glow look sambil control idong bau minyak tanah.
The last stop was Makan Boulevard. Ada gerai jual char koay tiaw...bau dia sangat lah menusuk kalbu! But we saved our perot to makan something more solid later hehe. Sambil minom coke and listened to the musics played by the DJ on stage, i
More photos in the next entry on designer's booth :)