Car Wash

I planned to wash the car since the day i amik from the workshop. That was like more than a month ago. Yesterday D said there's a new car wash just opened next to our building. So today after lunch trus bawak keta gi sana and since car wash tuh tak kesah park lama2 snang sket amik petang after office hour. RM8 for luar and dalam normal rate lah tuh kan?? Wohoo dah lama tak nampak tayar and rim berkilat cenggini. Swonottt skali!


  1. wooo kilat siut! :D best kan feels like brand new! hehehe

  2. aku nyer kete cam belacan.. plan nk hantar gak. hopefuly tak hujan! :D

  3. alamak.. kete aku kene cuci la gak camni.. x aci la ko nye jek berkilat...

  4. D: hehe keta u pon berkilat jugakk!

    Yulie: hehe kalo tunggu cuci sendiri lagik tak tercuci lah jawabnyer

    Mas: hahaha dah ko regular customer mustilah dia risau ko tak datang. next time ko soh dia datang umah lah cuci and wax

    Sharax: Keta baru lagiklah kene antar cuci frequently

  5. Wah, so shinny :D Whenever I wash my car it always rains so I've given up washing it ... LOL!


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