Birthday Poji

Last Monday, we throw a birthday surprise to incik Poji. The four of us had lunch at McDonald and makan like nothing's gonna happen. Then D who worked in TM appeared with a birthday cake. So that's why lah muka dia sangat tersipu2 malu because he didn't expect that D will join the party :P

Birthday Poji

Hoh muka sukermalu sambil potong cake.

Birthday Poji

Us with birthday boy yang sangat pemalu pada hari itu. Happy birthday ek Poji. Smoga panjang umor, murah rezeki and hepi selalu.

Birthday Poji


  1. hahaha muka sukermalu mcm tu eks..hehehe Happy Birthday Poji! *wink2* :)

  2. errkkk.. aku konfius ni .. dia tersipu2 sbb the suprise ke, or dia tersipu2 malu sbb D join??? oopsss??

  3. D, mmg u dah saksikan muka sukermalu, malumalu, malusuker dan malutapikmau hahahaha

  4. kak fara, sebenonyer tak cukup lengkap ayat tuh. tersipu2 malu sbb D join sambil membawa kek! tapikkk ooopsss telebey dah pon

  5. hokhokhok(batuk2 plak) haiipppp! hehehhe


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