The Telescope

Hohoho tengah skodeng locating building using the telescope. Locating our HQ office to be exact.


Kak Wy tgh describe what landmarks to see since i still couldn't locate the HQ. Kodi T___T


Penat lah pejam sblah mata and trying to focus mana nak tengok because that telescope ultimate punyer zoom in! Boleh nampak Highland Tower quite clear.



  1. huihhh sape punyer telescope tu babe?? kak y punyer??pehhhh

  2. jot, nanti kita boleh buat boria tau, baju ijau ko sama ngan baju aku...kah kah, perlulah aku announce dalam blog ko...hehehe....

  3. D, telescope tuh budak MSD punyer. haji kamal ker nizam ker i pon tatau hahaha. dorang offer i test jelah.

  4. B, siyes sama?? haaa cepat tunjuk gambar! aku nak tgk!!!

  5. aku dah agak ko nak tgk gambo baju tu,malang nya takde, cuma bunga ko je yg sama ngan baju, aku punya ada line line ala2 stripe gitu. tapi sekali pandang sama lah...hahahahah, saja jer aku kan...idokler lijot, aku dah check balik umah, enggak sama langsung...hehehe,saspen petang2...

  6. hehe ada lar tuh yang sama since ko nampak cam baju ko. kalo sama mmg terel ah sbb tak plan beli sama :D


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