Nightime @ Singapore
After freshen up (refer to earlier entry when we arrived in Spore), we were ready to berdating along the Orchard road and vowed to jalan sampai lebam hahaha :P And kowang yang baca blog nie pon tgk lah gambar sampai lebam (kalo nak tgk lah). Most of you dah tgk kat facebook and flickr but this entry nak cerita panjang2 sket hehehe.
The pix was taken on jejantas while heading towards Far East mall. Check out the street lights =D
While crossing the street. Tetengah jalan amik gambar sbb traffic light tgh merah. Dahler tak pakai tripod konpiden jer snap bwahahaha but not that bad lah the result kan hahaks.
In front of Tangs. I think Tangs has the best xmas decor ever!!! The place look alive and happening, the embellishments and ornaments are magnifique. Even the chocolate shoppe looks like a movie prop.
Takashimaya's xmas tree with lots of Fererro Rocher! Nyummmm!! For me this mall won 2nd place for beautiful decor.
Then jenjalan kat dalam jumpe toys fair so amik lah gambar ngan Domo. Rupanyer dah tembus ke Ngee Ann City. Fuhh berlink2 sungguh mall dorang nie. Time tuh dah sangat kelaparan. Sesambil tuh scout mana2 tempat bleh makan
Hohhh lapor! lapor menggigil dah time nie. Jumpe Moss burger time tuh rasa sangat lah happy because ada orang rekemen the teriyaki burger so we were very excited to try. And the burger was really sedapppps! Cheep tried unagi rice burger instead but sian the burger tak sesedap mine. So he hold grudge against me because my burger lagik sedap! Saper soh order benda lain kan? hahaha
One of the mascots for one of the mall. Kalo pakai baju siang yang black and white tuh sure nampak lagik sama hehe.
Playing around with the camera to kill the time while waiting for our movie to start at 11.45pm. Nak beli something from miu miu kedai dah tutup, amik gambar with the sign pon jadik lah :P (kononnnyerrr)
Ada one of this funvee bus, the group were partying wild. ada yang dah bukak2 baju, baring atas roof, dancing, shouting and drinking. Barulah worth it dah bayar ticket bus, takkan duduk static jer kan? nama pon Party Bus hehehe.
Ada jer cleaner yang bersihkan tong sampah and along the road wpon dah malam. Sbb tuh lar maintain bersih.
Lagik 15mins movie nak start, we walked back to Cineplex. This is where we watched the Couples Retreat :)
After watching the movie amik gambar ngan poster2 kat stu. There goes our night in Singapore. Lepas tuh trus balik hotel.
The poster for Alvin & The Chipmunks 2. Huhu lawak plak tgk chipmunks and chippettes. If only they know slang kat malaysia nie the meaning of chippettes. LOL!

The pix was taken on jejantas while heading towards Far East mall. Check out the street lights =D
While crossing the street. Tetengah jalan amik gambar sbb traffic light tgh merah. Dahler tak pakai tripod konpiden jer snap bwahahaha but not that bad lah the result kan hahaks.
In front of Tangs. I think Tangs has the best xmas decor ever!!! The place look alive and happening, the embellishments and ornaments are magnifique. Even the chocolate shoppe looks like a movie prop.
Takashimaya's xmas tree with lots of Fererro Rocher! Nyummmm!! For me this mall won 2nd place for beautiful decor.
Another cute xmas trees inside with lots of teddy bear. I like i like!!
Singapore Gaufres. Aper benda tuh? I oso dunno hehe sbb tak pegi belek dekat2 pulak.
Then jenjalan kat dalam jumpe toys fair so amik lah gambar ngan Domo. Rupanyer dah tembus ke Ngee Ann City. Fuhh berlink2 sungguh mall dorang nie. Time tuh dah sangat kelaparan. Sesambil tuh scout mana2 tempat bleh makan
Hohhh lapor! lapor menggigil dah time nie. Jumpe Moss burger time tuh rasa sangat lah happy because ada orang rekemen the teriyaki burger so we were very excited to try. And the burger was really sedapppps! Cheep tried unagi rice burger instead but sian the burger tak sesedap mine. So he hold grudge against me because my burger lagik sedap! Saper soh order benda lain kan? hahaha
Lepas makan kuar jer from mall baru lah nampak building Ngee Ann City with their big xmas poster.
While waiting cue to cross the street. Lawa design placeholder kat blakang tuh.
One of the mascots for one of the mall. Kalo pakai baju siang yang black and white tuh sure nampak lagik sama hehe.
In front of Paragon mall with their xmas tree.
Playing around with the camera to kill the time while waiting for our movie to start at 11.45pm. Nak beli something from miu miu kedai dah tutup, amik gambar with the sign pon jadik lah :P (kononnnyerrr)
Ada one of this funvee bus, the group were partying wild. ada yang dah bukak2 baju, baring atas roof, dancing, shouting and drinking. Barulah worth it dah bayar ticket bus, takkan duduk static jer kan? nama pon Party Bus hehehe.
Another xmas decor on the streets.
Ada jer cleaner yang bersihkan tong sampah and along the road wpon dah malam. Sbb tuh lar maintain bersih.
The road's name signage pon nak amik gambar huhuhuh
Lagik 15mins movie nak start, we walked back to Cineplex. This is where we watched the Couples Retreat :)
After watching the movie amik gambar ngan poster2 kat stu. There goes our night in Singapore. Lepas tuh trus balik hotel.
The poster for Alvin & The Chipmunks 2. Huhu lawak plak tgk chipmunks and chippettes. If only they know slang kat malaysia nie the meaning of chippettes. LOL!
On the way balik hotel, jumpe lagik keta hebat but as usual i don't remember the name everytime Cheep said model aper bwahahaha. Yang tau keta tuh cun jer! Skiannn bersambung lagik kesah keesokan harinyer where we went to Esplanade area :) Entry nih dah panjang sangat. Tah hapa giler tetiba rasa nak letak sumer gambar plak ngeh ngeh!
miu miu .. teringat plak becky shoppaholic ekekekek! lawak ar!
ReplyDeleteeh lupa ... cun kan deco kat sana ... out of the box la kiranya esp. fererro roche tu .. i like!
ReplyDeletehahaha becky beli skirt miu miu kan? cun jugak ah decor kat sana sbb dah spanjang2 jalan tuh penoh ngan lampu lip lap. fererro rocher tuh panas sib baik tak kene letrik shock time tereksidenly pegang bendalah tuh
ReplyDeleteI really think kan... Singapolo govt shud pay u for posting such a good post abt christmas kat singapore ni kan kan kan..hehehhee.. Anyways.. Best sunggoh your gambor gamborssss :) have a merry berry christmas n a happy new year to u soulie n bem.. Moga moga the new year brings u big surprise :D
ReplyDeleteEh rasanya hari tu macam dah komen kat sini, tapi hilang pulak?
Gambar-gambar yang cun.
Betul tu apa yang Anny kata. Hehe
Wah pakai dslr? Semua gambar nampak lawa : )
Lol, tang tanya soalan gambar tu?
ReplyDeleteMy bad,
terkeliru dengan post "1st day" di Singapore.
Gambar Mlm pun cun.. Dslr atau G7 (Bunyi macam kumpulan negara ekonomi aje.. hehe)
Anny, wow that would be nice! lol! merry xmas to u too :)
ReplyDeleteRizal, hahaha confuse plak dia. Tengkiu for the compliments :) Ha'ah G7 macam bunyik kumpulan negara ekonomi plak lol!