Movie Treat
Free movie on the house by our CEO! And the best part was we got to watch it during office hour w00t! Because kalo buat after office hour i doubt dapat kumpul all team members. The day before D as the organizer already bought berjela2 tickets, but on the day itself ada yang last minute confirm so we went to the Pavilion slightly earlier to buy more tickets and had lunch there.

It was a small cinema so practically most of the seats conquered by us. Baik book one whole cinema jer kan? lol! Lucky me D yang jadik organizer so i got the chance to pilih good seats hehehe! The movie? The intro was interesting but as a whole, I don't find it appealing because of Jay Baruchel typical character just like in 'She's out of my league'. Both of the characters are too similar i found it boring -.-

At the GSC lobby waiting for everyone to gather and distributed the tickets. Ada yang tgh queue gi beli popcorn. *excited!*

The movie we watched, The Sorcerer's Apprentice. Time ni tgh kecoh nak duduk ngan saper and kat mana.

The organizer were so busy bagi tickets sampai tak sedar movie dah nak start. Dahler ada lagik yang tak sampai. Poor D, missed few minutes of the movie sbb nak pegi menjemput orang yang baru datang. Time nie gambar banyak gegar sbb dah eksaited sangat nak masuk cinema.
It was a small cinema so practically most of the seats conquered by us. Baik book one whole cinema jer kan? lol! Lucky me D yang jadik organizer so i got the chance to pilih good seats hehehe! The movie? The intro was interesting but as a whole, I don't find it appealing because of Jay Baruchel typical character just like in 'She's out of my league'. Both of the characters are too similar i found it boring -.-