Soya and skin color

Hoyeh! Tayah susah2 minom air soya. Because it won't help to change the baby's skin color. Ekceli before reading this, i feel a bit gilti tak minom soya. Well saper tanak fair babies yedak? But somehow i can't find myself to drink soya even i'm a soya drinker before preggy. Yang penting sehat insya Allah.

In cultures where fair skin is equated with beauty, many pregnant women consume certain foods in the vain hope of delivering fair babies. One such belief is to consume only white coloured foods, such as milk, curd and rice to have a fair baby. Another is to drink milk or any white coloured food first thing in the morning, yet another is to have milk with a few strands of saffron in it. However, it is important to remember that your baby's skin colour is decided by his genes depending on the race and ethnic group he belongs to and not by what you eat!


  1. whoaaa skin ko + skin najeeb... fair! fair! hehehe

  2. haha macam lah kitowang nih fair sangat. tuh yang ada rasa nak jugak minom soya if it helps! ;)

  3. it doesnt work la the soya hahaha... i tried it on cavan and when i had caden, it's difficult to find fresh soya in MV thus my intake of this is lacking and look who turn out fairer now. hehehe...

  4. karen, good to know hahahah! cavan is also fair what =)


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