Flickr and Facebook

Previously I've allowed setting in Facebook to publish my recent Flickr upload. But baru2 nih jer i noticed that the feature is no longer available.
"The Imported Stories feature is no longer available. Most of the sites supported by this feature now allow you to publish stories to Facebook directly from the site."
So after googling, to connect both accounts all i have to do is go to my Flickr account and click the Sharing and Extending tab. Dengan excited nyer i click the Connect button!

But the permission to access all the below is quite a turn off. Nak wat aper access FB chat and friends' information? I don't like any app yang spam orang punyer FB wall or Feeds without my knowledge. In case lah tetiba dorang nak wat spam camtuh wpon i think so far cam takde. Nonetheless trus terbantot nak connect :( Oh well!
