Qeeb's Orientation Day at Preschool
It's been a while tak update this blog since new year! Qeeb dah settled down in his new preschool. This is the 3rd preschool since he was 4yo. One of the main reason we changed to this school this year was because we wanted him to familiar with real school environment. Hope with this exposure takde laa dia culture shock sangat nanti with big crowd, assembly, school's rule + discipline when dia masuk primary school. Other factors were affordable fees and location pon still dekat.
Slamat blajar pakai stoken properly ye Qeeb. Kat rumah mama/ kak sue musti cannot resist to help. Kat Smart Reader dolu dah penah blajar but a year after that at different preschool dah biasa x pakai socks. Here, kene start wearing socks again and blajar buat sendiri.
I was so proud of him. He pulled through the first day steadily. Few days later he said he likes the school. Alhamdulillah. So I hope he can maintain the momentum and enthusiasm until end of the year.
His neat and organized classroom. Looks interesting and banyak material yang dorang guna. Other corners in the class pon best jugak. Depan class ada playground. So jakun sket laa because before nih sumer dalam shop lot.
Sumer kasut suci murni lagik on first day of school.
Slamat blajar pakai stoken properly ye Qeeb. Kat rumah mama/ kak sue musti cannot resist to help. Kat Smart Reader dolu dah penah blajar but a year after that at different preschool dah biasa x pakai socks. Here, kene start wearing socks again and blajar buat sendiri.
Coloring activity to keep the students occupied while the parents tgh queue bayar fees.
Qeeb with his new school friends. Moga2 sumer can get along well. I think memories with kindie friends remain sampai ke besar jugak kan?
I was so proud of him. He pulled through the first day steadily. Few days later he said he likes the school. Alhamdulillah. So I hope he can maintain the momentum and enthusiasm until end of the year.
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